The Paradise Earth Teaching Is Selfish and Narcissistic

by snowbird 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Your title infers nada about practicing the "truth". LOL....I still want to participate. Pretty please!! With sugar on top??

  • snowbird

    I don't know.

    You seem to have developed a nitpicking, faultfinding attitude, presenting a stubborn shoulder and all that.


  • LostGeneration

    1,000 people have to die in this world for each JW to make it through Armageddon.

    Assuming 45 billion people get resurrected, and one-third of them get erased at the end of the thousand year reign when the "final test" happens, then another 15 billion die. That means another 2,000 people for each current JW get killed AGAIN!

    So 3,000 people die eternally for each JW that gets saved at "Armageddon part I" and the "The Big A Returns: Part II"

    So instead of Christ's death for all mankind, 3,000 have to die before each JW gets their paradise. I agree, they are pretty damn selfish.


    It`s also a matter of Survival..

    In WatchTower World..

    You either become a JW or you Die..

    Everyone is Free to "Shut the F*ck Up"..


    Make the Right Choice..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    You broke it down, LG.



  • minimus

    I don't care! I'm involved on this thread, you brute.

  • snowbird

    Who you callin' a brute???


  • moshe

    From the Jewish perspective- the life you have right now, is your gift, so live it to the fullest, live a good and honorable life and children are your legacy for the future.

    from the Mayo clinic-

    Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

    Narcissistic personality disorder is one of several types of personality disorders. Personality disorders are conditions in which people have traits that cause them to feel and behave in socially distressing ways, limiting their ability to function in relationships and in other areas of their life, such as work or school.

    Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around psychotherapy.

    ---- That being said, the cure rate for this disorder must be low, as talk therapy probably won't work with people who like feeling special- who wants to give that up?

  • snowbird

    Uh huh, Moshe.

    I'm reading COC - again, for the first time.

    I think the entire WT leadership, beginning with Russell, suffers from this disorder.

    The fact that Ray Franz was able to escape uscathed is, imo, a testament to the power of the Holy Spirit.


  • Terry

    I was surprised when I discovered that the Early Church (Eusebius under Constantine) rejected the five books produced by Papius BECAUSE he reported that the apostles were teaching a millennial paradise. He was declared mentally unbalanced and his books destroyed.

    Papius set out to interview the remaining people alive who either directly heard apostolic teachings or the living apostles themselves.

    Interesting, eh?

    Papias describes his way of gathering information:

    I will not hesitate to add also for you to my interpretations what I formerly learned with care from the Presbyters and have carefully stored in memory, giving assurance of its truth. For I did not take pleasure as the many do in those who speak much, but in those who teach what is true, nor in those who relate foreign precepts, but in those who relate the precepts which were given by the Lord to the faith and came down from the Truth itself. And also if any follower of the Presbyters happened to come, I would inquire for the sayings of the Presbyters, what Andrew said, or what Peter said, or what Philip or what Thomas or James or what John or Matthew or any other of the Lord's disciples, and for the things which other of the Lord's disciples, and for the things which Aristion and the Presbyter John, the disciples of the Lord, were saying. For I considered that I should not get so much advantage from matter in books as from the voice which yet lives and remains.

    Thus Papias reports he heard things that came from an unwritten, oral tradition of the Presbyters, a "sayings" or logia tradition that had been passed from Jesus to such of the apostles and disciples as he mentions in the fragmentary quote. The scholar Helmut Koester considers him the earliest surviving witness of this tradition. [ 1 ]

    Eusebius held Papias in low esteem, perhaps because of his work's influence in perpetuating, through Irenaeus and others, belief in a millennial reign of Christ upon earth, that would soon usher in a new Golden Age. Eusebius calls Papias 'a man of small mental capacity [ 2 ] who mistook the figurative language of apostolic traditions'. Whether this was so to any degree is difficult to judge without the text available. However, Papias's millennialism (according to Anastasius of Sinai, along with Clement of Alexandria and Ammonius he understood the Six Days (Hexaemeron) and the account of Paradise as referring mystically to Christ and His Church) was nearer in spirit to the actual Christianity of the sub-apostolic age, especially in western Anatolia (e.g., Montanism), than Eusebius realized. [ 3 ]

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