Where's the story about Jehovah's Witnesses killing people?

by Snoozy 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    That's the facebook message I just got from one of my friends on facebook that is studying ..she was raised a JW but the family left for years. Her Mom (widowed) is now back in and is trying to get her 35 year old daughter now staying with her to come in by telling her how she wil lbe destroyed if she doesn't..same old love...this is the message she just sent me. Plain and simple.."Where is the story on Jehovah's Witnesses killing people?". Like it is some big deal because they don't..(well at least not so much physically ..but they top the charts on mentally)..I sent a question mark back indicating I needed more info..we shall see what she says..


  • Reality79

    I used to use the same brainwashed logic, we don't fly planes into buildings blah blah.....

    Because they don't go around physically killing people supposedly means they're the best of the best, but its ok to ruin countless lives.

  • Violia

    They may not literally put a knife in your back but they do so in spirit. They destroy your soul.

  • cheerios

    unless a blood transfusion is involved .. then its physical

  • Snoozy

    I have posted a link to JW facts on my page and two samples from thier magazines, one an Awake quote on how you shouldn't let religion come between family members , comparing it to shunning and the other a quote from a 1969 Awake about how the young people then would never grow old..( oops, they did.).

    No response yet..


  • Refriedtruth

    My condolences go out to the families of the people that lost their lives.

    Research and read Jehovah's Witnesses murders and torture murders http://www.watchtowernews.org/familymurders.htm

  • InterestedOne

    I would ask her what point she is making by asking that question. If she feels it somehow shows that JW's are unique in their refusal to kill, I would let her know that she could ask the same question with Amish in place of JW's. Among the various religious groups in existence, I don't think JW's are unique in their refusal to kill.

  • the-illuminator81

    JWs are so fantastic, they don't even kill people! What more could you ask for?

    Of course they do go around threatening people with death, it's just somebody else who is performing the actual killing so that makes it OK.



    They say religion shouldnt come between family members - they also say that God tells young people to listen to their parents

    yet even in the lastest edition of WT they tell young people that (in a nutshell):

    Your parents may want you to go to college, but really you should be out preaching so dont listen to them and become a pioneer instead.

    Ohhhhhhh I get it

    so GOD tells young people to listen to their parents

    and the WT tells young people to listen to THEM.

    SO tell me? WHo are the congregation suppose to be followers of?

  • carla

    yes, there have been quite a number of jw murders, murder/suicides in the past. Google jw's in the news and someone has a running list of all articles about jw's in the news not just the murders. I can remember the jw's who killed 13 people, the Discovery Channel killer guy was a jw, the Longo (sp?) family murders by jw dad, Mexico also had a family murder, ..... there are more but I have not had my coffee yet and brain is not in full gear yet.

    If some of these stories involve non baptized individuals you have to remember how the rest of the world sees it, not the crazy org, if you go to a kh, go out in fs, and read all the literature you ARE a jw. Outsiders do not make any distinction if one is baptized into the org or not.

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