Any Presbyterian here?

by onemore 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Also, we are usually believe in covenant and post millineal theology where the apocalyptic denominations believe in dispensationalism - That means that where people like JWs believe in a 1st and 2nd fulfillment of the prophesies, we believe it was prophesied and fulfilled .. period. No 2nd fulfillment. We believe we are in the millineum now and just waiting for the end/2nd coming. There isn't as much debating about the mark of the beast and so forth. (And I'm totally not an expert on this subject - If I have a detail messed up, don't slaughter me!)

    There are quite a few (myself included) reformed, who hold to what is called Historic Premillenialism. I believe Dr James Boise (from Philly 10th Presbyterian Church) was in that camp as well.

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