How (not) to destroy a thread and turn it into a battleground

by Terry 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    It should be the..

    "Why you should never Disagree with Terry" Thread..

    Try being honest. You should never ad hominem Terry.


    Try being honest. You should never ad hominem Terry......Terry

    It`s not a Personal Attack..It`s an Observation..

    You don`t like people Disagreeing with You..It`s an Assault your Sacred Cow..

    "Terry`s Opinion"..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • Quentin

    I like butter, salt and pepper with my ad hominem.....ummmm, wait that's homeny. Don't think we can ever get away from battleground threads. It's like trench warfare of WWI. Whitsles blow, over the top comes the attackers. Machine guns blaze away, bodies drop, cannons boom, more bodies fall, attakers are beatin back, retreating to the safty of their trenchs. Lick their wounds.

    Off in the distance bugles blare and here comes the swarm of the other side. Repeate, repeat, over and over. Your points are admimrable, but too many folks enjoy, with glee and gleem in their eyes, the trench warfare mentality of battleground threads. Nope, that's the nature of discussion boards no matter what they were created for.

    I do think though we should make more use of PMs between posters in an attempt to keep a thread on topic.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It strikes me that this forum is often alpha male, ballsy. I have no idea of the female.male percentage. Only an observation. I'm ashamed of the time I spend here. I am addicted. The shame has nothing to do with the forum. Excessive time is spent here. It is so easy to isolate using the Internet as a social tool.

    I am grateful it exists. It would be nice to feel that I have a choice not to read. The silly part is that I never imagined there would be a JW forum. Thick, I guess. It makes perfect sense. I stumbled upon this site from a link wtihin a link within a link in wikipedia. The edit tab there shows quite an interesting, ongoing struggle.

  • HintOfLime

    It is a strange game, Terry...

    - Lime

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Sorry. I skimmed the exploitation of children thread. May I ask is this proposed legislation or has it become law? There are federal child labor laws. The FDR court packing drama started with child labor laws. If there is a conflict, the federal law prevails.

    It is a very disturbing issue. Maybe those of us who live in the state, can write to our representatives.

  • Terry

    It`s not a Personal Attack..It`s an Observation..

    You don`t like people Disagreeing with You..It`s an Assault your Sacred Cow..

    "Terry`s Opinion"..


    Letting people get away with ad hominem only encourages them. You already know that though.

  • dgp


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Wow, thumbs up aGuest. You said alot of my thoughts for me.

    (excuse me for skipping the personal bickering on the prior pages. I'm not here to play the inevitable 'mines bigger than yours' games with anyone. If someone doesn't take your point, oh well: I tried. Life goes on....)

    Something that's always rubbed me the wrong way in life is those who put on airs of false friendliness, bestowing wishes of peace, love. Etc. Excuse me, but have we even met? You call me "friend" and even "brother"? Do I KNOW you?

    In reading this thread, it occurred to me WHY I find it repulsive: it reminds me of one of the psychological techniques used by JWs to lure people into joining, ie seeking out the lonely souls who enter the doors of the KH, even with an elder serving as air traffic controller dispatching brothers and sisters to ensure a "personal" contact is made with the newcomer, finding how they entered (ie did they pass by, invited, etc?). I've managed sales teams where good customer service is key, and recognize a powerful sales technique when I see one! It WORKS to sell religion as well as commodities.

    Ex-JWs SHOULD know a snow job when they see one, and the mandate to avoid publicly disagreeing AT ALL COSTS. In fact, realize that those coming out of the JW experience need REAL TRUTHS (which in real life includes disagreement) and may find the faux friendliness as equally off-putting. They need a dose of reality, not more of the hair of the dog that bit them. (Its ironic that some of you want a recreation of what you left?)

    Otherwise, they are likely to join another liberty-sapping cult that merely offers just a slightly different flavor of cult.

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