I should just be DF'd

by Lunatic Faith 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    So I have been texting with an inactive friend all day. She sent a text this morning asking me if I had had second thoughts and decided to go to memorial after all. I told her 'no, did you have second thoughts and decide not to go?'

    She went. So then I told her that it occurred to me recently that the memorial is really just for the anointed so I didn't need to be there. Her response was that she has always gone to memorial and feels she should show her appreciation for Jesus sacrifice. Then she tells me that Jesus spoke about the 'other sheep' during the Lord's evening meal. (what?)

    So I asked her when Jesus spoke about the other sheep. Her response? Matthew 20:28 where it says Jesus gave his soul a ransom in exchange for many. (?!) So I texted, "That scripture doesn't apply only to the other sheep and it wasn't said during the last supper. The only scripture that uses the term other sheep is at John 10:16 and it is long before JC death. Then I mentioned John 6:53-59 where jc says no one can gain everlasting life without partaking of his blood and flesh.

    Her response? But the anointed didn't really eat his flesh or drink his blood either. It was symbolic. I have the same doubts as you. I just know the answers that I've been told my whole life. Rev 7:14, 15 says the other sheep washed their robes in the blood of the lamb.

    My response? Thats the problem, isn't it? When a person has doubts they need to carefully examine things for themselves, like the Beroeans. Revelation doesn't say other sheep either.

    Her response? It doesn't hurt to examine. Just don't be misled by your own reasoning.

    Okay, I have heard that saying many times and never realized how stupid it sounded until today. Yeah! Don't let your mind tell you anything contrary to the Watchtower organization because that will mislead you. God forbid we use our own minds!!

    And as for my friend, we have known each other our whole lives and grown up in the same cong. She left school to pioneer and has never gotten her diploma. She has never read the bible all the way through (which is obvious by her clearly uneducated responses) I love her as my oldest friend but cannot believe her obtuseness.

    OMG! She just messaged me her response and now I am angry. "I can't argue with your reasoning. But I hate to see you throw away a lifetime of service to Jehovah because your just not sure anymore. what if your mom and dad are resurrected and you're not there?"

    Wow! Nothing like piling it on. Now I am actually afraid of answering for fear my anger will come through. I don't want to alienate her. I think I will wait on this one...

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    She is just trying to change the subject. Don't bite.

    Always stick with the subject they are trying to avoid.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    ... and try not to tell her anything she doesn't/shouldn't already know. Ask a question instead.

  • mythreesons

    I agree, stay on the topic till it is answered. I'm still waiting for "where in the Bible does it say you'll gain life by NOT partaking of the emblems?"

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    Yeah, that's where I always go wrong. I want to share the things I have learned rather than learning tact. I had a phone call from another longtime friend from another cong. who doesn't know where I am spiritually. I misled her into believing I was actually at me memorial last night. I wanted to tell her the truth but didn't think it was the right time.

  • sabastious
    Her response? It doesn't hurt to examine. Just don't be misled by your own reasoning.

    Reminding us of ourselves is not very good advice especially in such a standalone manner. That's like pointing to a bear trap 5 feet away from you and I and saying "don't step on that."


  • Morbidzbaby

    This is why I don't have contact with non-family JW's anymore. I just can't deal with it. You handled it really well, I think. Maybe wait on a response to her, considering what she says will just drive you nuts.

  • jwfacts

    It is tough seeing your friends drifting away over a difference of religious opinion.

    The topic of the other sheep is covered at http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/great-crowd-other-sheep.php The Great Crowd is spoken of as being in heaven. The other sheep are the gentiles that were to become "one fold" with the Jews, which is the exact opposite of the Watchtower classes of them being a separate group.

    However, sharing information with your friend may not be the safest option.

    "I can't argue with your reasoning. But I hate to see you throw away a lifetime of service to Jehovah because your just not sure anymore. what if your mom and dad are resurrected and you're not there?"

    That is terrible and a form of blackmail. That should be responded to when you have calmed down. Something to the effect that you do not think God would not save you because you were searching for truth. What if the shoe in on the other foot and the Watchtower teachings are incorrect, would it be fair that a loving God will not resurrect them?

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    I didn't immediately respond and she ended up responding with the same basic words I would have used. "On the other hand, what if none of that is true and you spend your life living this way for nothing." Then she says, "Believe me, I understand Luna. I have the same doubts and questions."

    It probably accomplished more by letting her come to those thoughts on her own. So I responded, "Exactly! My father gave this organization everything-then he died after a lot of promises were made and none fulfilled." I told her my heart broke the day I realized it was all a pack of lies and I would never see my parents again.

    Then I finished with, "You keep saying I have doubts. I don't. I am sure." Her response: "I love you and don't want to lose you. You doing this just means that your strong enough to move on and look to see what else is out there. It doesn't mean you forgot everything you were taught."

    Not sure how to interpret that last sentence, but I think I will leave it alone for awhile...unless she brings it up.

    JWFacts--Thanks for the link on Other Sheep. I was actually surprised when I looked up the term in the reference bible index to find it only used once. It seems like a term the WT uses as much as it does should be in the bible more than that...

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer


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