What is your opinion of Theodore Jaracz?

by TimothyT 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TimothyT

    Hi everyone,

    I dont usualy do this, but does anyone have and gossip or dirt on the now deceased GB member, Theodore Jaracz?

    Ive heard rumours that he wasnt a very nice man and after reading Crisis of Conscience, i can believe it!

    What do you know about him? Anyone got any articles or links i can read up on?


    Timmy xxx

  • cantleave

    Barbara Anderson posted a great thread on this subject. You'll find it in the Archives.


    You can talk to his nephew on my Thread..

    Just click the Link..

    ...Say hello to an Old Friend of Mine..."Hiritoka"...

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • cantleave
  • thetrueone

    Just another corrupt power executive for the Watchtower Corporation, there were many before him and there will many to follow him.

    He was a prodigious liar with a grin on his face, just like which you'll see at any Kingdom Hall.

    A direct quote from him while being interviewed by a news journalist

    " The Watchtower organization never goes beyond what is written in the bible "

    ..unless you count making up false prophecies to attract attention to the organization's literature and to increase the circulation of the literature itself.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I think Garth Algar summed him up nicely.

    'Ted Jaracz is nobody's friend. If Ted Jaracz were an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and dick.'

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    He was yet another example of how first appearances can often be deceiving.

    At the time of the 1978 International Assemblies, I remember being very impressed with the way in which he handled himself in a rather hostile televisioin interview:

    - although, admittedly, much of my satisfaction came from watching that supercilious TV commentator get well and truly put in his place! (By contrast, Lloyd Barry, also present at that interview, came over as a bumbling incompetent).

    However, that interview - along with all his other media contacts - did not show the side of Ted Jaracz known to those who had the misfortune of dealing with him on a day-to-day basis. Rather than the tactful, articulate and dignified gentleman that appeared to the media, he was in fact nothing more than a 24-carat b#%*&^d!

    In other words, Jaracz was a worthy successor to the likes of J.F. Rutherford and Co.


  • jamiebowers

    According to some of Barbara Anderson's writings, he sent co's out to silence molsted children and their families with the threat of df'ing. A person can't get more evil than that.

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