did you actually believe man had only been around for 6000 years when you were a jw ?

by looloo 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • looloo

    when i was a study i had a real problem with that one and dinasours and the fact that skeletons of early man were found indicating man had in actual fact been around for millions of years ! we copuld not argue with that evidence , so how did we manage to convince ourselves that the rest of jws beliefs were true ?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Yes, looloo i did.


  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i wouldn't say i really believed it, but i also didn't allow myself thinking something else...

  • TotallyADD

    Hello looloo. I have to say yes. But I was a child at the time. Because I believe the WT would never tell a lie. When I became a adult I never really thought about it. Until about 4 years ago when my eyes began to open. My first question I had was the flood then mankind being around for only 6 thousand years. Now I know better. Good question though. Totally ADD

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I was a born in. I didn't have any choice.

    1) Nothing else was to be believed under my father's roof.

    2) I would want to displease my Heavenly Father now, would I? This Heavenly Father was about to dish out death to non-believers anytime soon.

  • leavingwt

    They grabbed my mind at age 10, and I believed it 100% until I read Crisis of Conscience.

  • ProdigalSon

    Yes I did, and continued to believe it, in fact I was a "Young Earth Creationist" until I found out the Bible is a collection of myths. So I can't totally blame the Watchtower, I blame the "Holy" scriptures that enable them. The whole thing is "captive to a concept", that the Bible is the "Word of God".

  • wobble

    I guess for many years, because I was born in, I did believe they had got that one right, or thereabouts.

    I kind of rationalised it by saying to myself that anything found much before that was probably not really human, and of course we were not encouraged to consider any of the evidence, just to sit back and wait for the Bible, because it was the Word of God you know, to be vindicated.

    That was just one thing that added to the noise of Cognitive Dissonance in my head, it bothered me a bit, but I put it out of my mind.

    We born-ins particularly were fitted with WT contact lenses when we looked at anything, the WT did a good job on us, thank God for the Internet !

  • tec

    I had never even heard of young earth creationists until after I stopped my study of two years (we never even brushed on that in two years), and started searching around the internet, finally coming here.

    So I don't think I ever even knew that theory existed. I knew there were people who denied the existence of dinosaurs. I knew there were people who denied us having gone to the moon. But that was about it. If I heard anything at all, I probably just dismissed it as if I hadn't understood properly.


  • snowbird

    I believe the Earth has been in existence for perhaps millions of years, but not Man.


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