On Human Evolution

by TD 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    I am not equipped to answer the question in the O.P, if indeed there is a definitive answer, but I do know that some confusion has been brought about by the discoverers wishing to make their particular fossil "baby" more famous by putting it in a category all of its own.

    Why should we expect to find a perfectly progressive line that actually links, which the photo would hint at , but not prove ?

    We are lucky to have the fossil evidence we do have, incomplete though it is, and the science of the evolution of man does not depend upon having all the links in the "hand-holding" chain.

    I think I would need a definition of "Truly" human before I put a marker in there anywhere, are the Neanderthals not human ? just because they were perhaps hairy ? is that not just a modern predjudicial view ?

    They seem to have used grave goods and believed in an afterlife, and we seem to be conected to them by our DNA ,some inter-breeding went on,they are not totally seperate as we once thought, so why do we say they were not human ?

  • Satanus

    Are we truly human in the sense of being nonanimal? Will we ever be? I would be interested in what the next evolutionary step might be. 'Course, that could be a million yrs in the future.


  • Abaddon

    Not being funny, but can we define human please?

    Langauge (if so how complex)? Use of fire? Care for the dead? Tool making (if so how complex)? Subscribing to Readers Digest?

  • tec

    Are you asking just based on appearance?

  • thetrueone

    We Homo sapiens evolved to a level of intelligence to proclaim that we were created by a great spirit out of simple dirt.

    Mind you religionists are just a little further back in this chain of evolution and atheists are just a little further ahead.

    The obvious difference to living Homo sapiens today is are enlarged cranium which we developed greater intelligence than

    are biological ancestors, enough acquired intelligence to self define are selfs within the evolution of are very own species.

  • NomadSoul

    This is easy. None of those skulls are apes. Ape species are still alive today along with humans.

  • DagothUr

    Hey, we should ask a specialist in the field of anthropology! I know, let's ask Perry!

  • the-illuminator81

    What about H. betheliens, recognizable by an enlarged liver and highly trained muscles on either the right or left arm (but never both).

  • streets76

    Not being funny, but can we define human please?

    Langauge (if so how complex)? Use of fire? Care for the dead? Tool making (if so how complex)? Subscribing to Readers Digest?

    How about killing each other in the name of religion?

  • Curtains

    TD - I thought maybe the teeth could indicate something - but all the skulls seem to have the same number and types of teeth (where they are not missing that is)

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