Skeptic/Major Physicist Validates 'Cold Fusion'

by metatron 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    metatron, i dont know what to say, i know for a fact that they could just go to where i was educated with their device, and if they was wiling to perform an experiment like that i described people would be more crazy about it... i simply dont think you understand the mindset at an experimental facility, people are not narrow-minded like you describe, and the idea of "randomness" in natural laws is not something anyone is scared of at all (i mean, its a free nobel prize!), there is just very little evidence in favor of it.

    the fact is that these incredible devices is a dime a dusin and the only thing they do is make their investors poor and inventors rich.

  • metatron

    It may be that your local circumstances are different.

    There is the sad example of John Bockris:

    Some of his story reads like it happened in a Kingdom Hall! Other college officials were told not to speak with him.

    Whether Rossi succeeds or not, I think we will see an emergence of unexpected new energy sources such as this. I appreciate the collected work of William Corliss, who enjoys compiling anomalies surrounding all aspects of science.


  • bohm

    but notice people tried to replicate his findings...

    there is a large difference between the example, and some device which can generate a lot more energy than goes into it, its not some small, subtle and often illusive effect like cold fusion seem to be.

    compared to that, this is a device which (in a setup like the one i described) could be verified TRIVIALLY.

  • TheClarinetist

    The experiment is not replicatable. No paper has been published showing how and why it works, and there is no real reason for him to NOT do so. It would make him and all of his colleages INCREDIBLY rich with patents and the inevitable Nobel prize, which would guarantee at least half a million dollars. The fact that he hasn't published suggests fraud.

    EDIT: Open Mouth, Insert Foot... From the Washington Times:

    A nuclear physicist associated with the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Giuseppe Levi, told reporters at the January demonstration that he was convinced the results were accurate. But peer-reviewed journals, exhibiting an abundance of caution, have so far refused to publish the findings.

    Still, only time will tell.

  • metatron

    Whatever you may think about the LENR-CANR controversy (more correct than 'cold fusion' - go to the site), the notion that the world will lavish honors and money on you is utterly naive.

    It's more likely you would be ridiculed, defunded - or end up dead because of a 'lone' murderer. The last guy who almost brought cold fusion to public acceptance ended up dead from a hammer blow to his head, shortly after a major magazine article claimed that they might be able to create any element, even radioactive ones. Coincidence? Maybe. I wouldn't risk it.............

    Are any of you willing to assert that major governments are quite willing to kill great masses of people for oil and the wealth it generates? That they could panic if a cheap decentralized energy source emerged that might forever end their control of the masses?

    Was John Bockris (renowned expert on electrochemistry) threatened with expulsion and personal shunning (!!) after he worked on similar experiments?

    Changing the world is not as easy as you think. There are always entrenched interests to consider. Actually, we might be very greatful for the climate of disbelief and ridicule that precedes disruptive technology because it allows the powerful elite to be blindsided before they have a chance to react - until it's too late. The internet developed this way and companies like AT&T ended up crying about little or no charges being applied for use of their communication carriers because they did not foresee how the internet would explode.

    As for replication ( of the specifics), give it time. We will see if this succeeds.


  • NomadSoul

    Ah, the conspiracy theories on supression of technologies. Gotta love them. Love me some X-Files.

  • metatron

    Conspiracy theories about suppressed technology? Of course not! We know that the rich and powerful are fair and charitable people who would never do such a thing! And certainly, academics would never think of helping them!


    Did the CEO of GM admit that killing the EV-1 was the biggest mistake he ever made? Did various academics help kill the vehicle by making bogus promises about fuel cells? (yes and yes).

    While not the only factor, GM was also involved in suppression of electric trolleys and trains, nationwide.

    The medical field is loaded with suppression and disingenuous "information". Like statin drugs, that are largely ineffective in reducing general mortality and carry a host of side effects.

    Almost 40 years ago, thorium was identified as possessing more energy than all oil, coal, and uranium combined. Do you see any thorium reactors out there today?


  • kurtbethel

    Enough blatherspeak. How much are they selling a unit for at Home Depot?

  • Elsewhere

    > Enough blatherspeak. How much are they selling a unit for at Home Depot?

    That is my position on this too. As the saying goes: "Show me the money". I'll believe it when I can buy a device and call my electric company to disconnect service. (Keep in mind that, assuming it works, the device will need to be evaluated to determine if it is safe enough for installation in a private residence.)

    With that in mind, I like to follow "free energy" news and debunk the technologies (one of my videos: ). So far I have held back from debunking Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) device because of two simple facts:

    1. He is the first and only Cold Fusion guy I know of who has said that his technology is "commercial ready" and he will finish constructing a 1 Megawatt power plant in October 2011. This 1 MW plant will NOT generate electricity; instead it will generate heat for industrial uses. Rossi says that he will not charge for the devices in the plant. Instead he will only charge for the actual energy generated and provided to the clients.

    2. I have never seen him solicit funding. According to the reports I'm reading, Rossi has sold many of his own assets to finance his research and the 1 MW power plant, though I have no means to verify this. If someone knows how to track down his assets and verify this, please let me know.

    I have been following the news of this Cold Fusion / LENR by Rossi for some time now and am still skeptical, but hopeful. I did read Rossi's paper and played around with the math a bit. His paper reads like a a novel that is missing the last chapter *doh!*. That last missing "chapter" is the final piece of the theory of how the device really works and what, extactly the atomic process is that releases energy.

    Going beyond that statement, I must add that we currently use many technologies that are not really understood beyond the fact that they work. As an example, next time you fill a prescription at the pharmacy, take the time to read that folded piece of paper with the extremely small type. You will find a section that is devoted to explaining how, exactly, the medication works. For most medications this section basically says in so many words: "We have NO idea how or why it works, we just know it does work".

    > It would make him and all of his colleages INCREDIBLY rich with patents and the inevitable Nobel prize,

    This is the reason why he has so far refused to publicly release information about his "secret sauce" (the internal design of the reactor and a catalyst that he claims makes the device work). He is currently trying to patent the method and apparatus. The patent office has so far been reluctant to issue a patent because of a standing policy to dismiss all "cold fusion" claims as frivolous.

    Bottom line:

    I’m just going to sit back and wait for October to see if he really does start selling the devices.

  • metatron

    As Elsewhere says, the replication that really counts is in manufacture! Bring it on!

    I await hopefully...


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