Westboro Church Update on BBC

by cofty 25 Replies latest social entertainment

  • slimboyfat

    What suprised me was the combination of 1) just how crazy they look and 2) just how similar many of the their attitudes are to JWs when you strip them bare.

    Louis Theroux was obviously shocked at how the children who left had been totally cut off. But doesn't he realise, don't people in general realise, that this situation is not confined to the tiny Westboro Baptist Church, but that tens of thousands of young JWs find themselves in similar situations?

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    They are actually doing a better job getting their message out than the witnesses are.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    That girl (Lauren) who got out has to have one of the biggest pricks ever as a father. That documentary was infuriating.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    It has already been said but if you strip away the crazy protests you basicly have the WTBTS. The things being said are actually the same things said by members of the watchtower, albeit not publicly.

    I'll say it again, they are getting results with their message. It is making it to the ends of the earth with all of the publicity.

    At least this churches leader would give some 5 minutes of his time to ask questions unlike the GB within the watchtower.

    Hey, has any heard of some reporters trying to get an actual interview with a member or several members of the GB at the same time to ask some pointed questions.

    But it is hard to put some old factory workers out there and expect them to perform.

  • nugget

    shows the JWs do not have the monopoly on stupidity. I watched the program in total despair for those young ones parroting the purile doctrine. When their viewpoint was challenged and they were asked to go beyond the standard phrases they drifted into incoherent argument that made no sense. This is child abuse getting small children to wave those attrocious signs at 5am whilst people screamed invective at them. I just wanted to wipe the smug smile off the faces of those church elders saying they rejoiced in all the judgements of god.

    These people are extreme but JWs stand just to the side of these people and believe fairly similar things. However they are less open about what they believe about the outcome for mankind. I sincerely hope some of the witnesses saw this and made the link.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    getting small children to wave those attrocious signs at 5am whilst people screamed invective at them

    good point, nugget. they are using those poor kids as human shields.

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