I had my first attempted robbery at my restaurant at 10 am on a Sunday...

by Botzwana 60 Replies latest social current

  • VampireDCLXV


    I'll leave it to White Dove as to whether she wants to answer your stupid question or not...


  • NomadSoul
  • Botzwana

    Jeepers Creepers....Yes we have highways here. One called a cuota where you pay an amount of money to drive on it and one called a libre which is free but not in the greatest of care.

    I lived in Tijuana where I married my wife. We drove to Belieze. It took exactly ten days to drive from Tijuana down to La Paz. Take the ferry to Mazatlan then to drive to Mexico city and then to drive all the way to Belieze´s border.

    10 days!

    So for me to say I live three days from Mexico city is totally correct. I don´t know about the person attacking my integrity but I like to stay at a hotel for a night of sleep. MAYBE if one drives 24 hours a day and NEVER stops for gas or to eat he might be able to arrive in much sooner fashion.

    And like I said....I was told by the police after my robbery that info. I could get the permit in my city but then would have to drive to Mexico City to pick up a gun.

    Um...I am not a witness anymore. Pay attention. Wifey isn´t either. Left back in Octoberish.

    DGP, I can´t believe you are really contesting if I call someone a bastard without finding out if the person was born to parents who were never married....WHERE are you from? If I called the little mexican bastard a beaneater do you REALLY want me to call his house and find out if it is true he had eaten beans in his life? You are frickin WEIRD!

    I own my restaurant and also live in one side of it. What is hard to understand? So I was HERE in my house sleeping and the cafe was broken into. Do ya got it now oh high and mighty one?

    Also the crooks didn´t know I did not have a gun. I could have 50 guns. They ran when I made it clear I was there.

    You are a fucking judgemental former witness moron who probably crucified members of the religion when you were there. But I guess by your standards I have to find out if you have fucked in your life before I could call you that...

  • Cagefighter

    DGP you obviously have no clue who I am, where I am from, and where I live. You should visit Mexico.

    Botzwana, don't take the attacks personally. He thinks I am a liar too. I live in Texas and have family in Monterrey and Mex. City. We used to drive but fly now with the drug cartels fighting so bad.

  • TD

    For the 9,375,989,737,200,000,000 time (Okay, slight exaggeration) Hispanics and Anglos are the same race. We're different ethnic groups.

    --Glad you're okay Botzwana

  • dgp
    You are a fucking judgemental former witness moron who probably crucified members of the religion when you were there. But I guess by your standards I have to find out if you have fucked in your life before I could call you that...

    I recognize I am not well known here, and there's no reason why I should be. But I have said many times that I am a worldly.

    Yes, you should find out things before you call anyone anything.

    It took exactly ten days to drive from Tijuana down to La Paz.

    Some desert, eh? Very dry and without anything but cacti, right? I've never drove there. I did FLY from La Paz to Tijuana. If I'm not mistaken, it took something like two hours.

    Baja California is a very long peninsula indeed. Well, in this thread (http://mx.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080929082115AARrqoT) of course in Spanish, it took these guys 24 hours to get from Tijuana to La Paz. They claim they didn't stop at all. I guess you stopped very frequently along such a dry, nearly uninhabited area?

    According to the Wikipedia, "The Peninsula extends 1250 km (775 miles) from Mexicali of Baja California in the north to Cabo San Lucas of Baja California Sur in the south." (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Baja_California_peninsula). So you were moving at a pace of 77.5 miles a day. Say 10 miles an hour.

    But this is really irrelevant. Your claim is that it takes you THREE days to move from where you are to Mexico City, and that is the only place where you can get a gun. I don't know about getting a gun, but, where do you live now? That way we can know how long it would take to drive from your place to Mexico City.

    I drove to Puebla with my father, and that took us approximately five hours. I went with him and my brother to Acapulco, and that took six hours. My sister went to Monte Albán with my father, and that took them eight to ten hours. My mother went with some friends of hers on a trip from Guadalajara to Costa Rica, and that took them four days. This includes sleeping in Tapachula and San Salvador. That was 50 years ago, by the way. So, I tend not to believe those "three days".

    So now it is a cafe, not a restaurant? And you "could get the permit in my city but then would have to drive to Mexico City to pick up a gun."

    Where do you live?

    Cagefighter has family in Monterrey and Mexico (I assume Mexico City). Well, I have never been to Monterrey, but I do happen to know it is a very industrialized city. Mexico City is the second largest city in the world. And you didn't find good roads there?

    Rub a Dub:

    I agree with you, they should put these people on a boat and send them back to where they came from.

    Of course you're not including other people who also came by boat, right? Like the whites?

    The neighboorhood isn't like it used to be when just regular people lived here.

    American Indians would say the same. If they hadn't been killed by the thousands, that is.

  • Botzwana

    I have to say you are a frickin moron. You have never heard of a cafe-restaurant? You DO have to stop for gas if one is driving 24 hours. What a total jackass you are to nitpick something like this.

    You would have made the perfect witness.

    Doesn´t this place have an ignore button?


    This is googlemaps of Puebla. To say you only got there in 5 hours without gas...Impossible. I know mexico well.

  • Cagefighter

    Somepeople would rather win an argument than know the truth. That's why I stopped hanging out a kingdom halls.

    Mexico is fugged, I don't see how you do it. I honestly feel guilty about supporting the economy there until they get their act together. The Mexican people deserve much better than what they get from their government there.

    Costa Rica is nice I hear.

  • dgp

    Wow. So now it's a cafe-restaurant.

    You DO have to stop for gas if one is driving 24 hours.

    I agree. I don't claim to have driven for 24 hours, however. The other guys claim they did. But suppose they didn't. What about you? Were you driving at 10 miles per hour?

    Your link doesn't open a Google Map of Puebla. I tried twice.

    By the way, in this link (http://www.visitmexico.com/wb/Visitmexico/Visi_Puebla_esta) you can find that

    "PUEBLA", Known as the City of Angels, Puebla, a World Heritage Site, lies 136 km (84 mi) from Mexico City."

    Do you think it's possible to drive 136 miles without refilling your tank?

    I wouldn't have nitpicked this post if you hadn't begun calling an entire nation names, you know?

    Where are you? Just mention the state. That way we can know whether it would take "three days" to get to Mexico City.

    As to whether I would have made the perfect witness, NO. I did my research first. It's not that easy to feed me story if I know something is untrue. I would agree that I become very aggressive after I find something that doesn't quite add up. Perhaps you do have something, and someone did try to break in, and you tried to present a nice tale, but you are most certainly NOT in a place where it would take three days to drive to Mexico City, and certainly you don't need to get your gun in Mexico City. What, are there not stores anywhere else in a country of 106 million people?

    And not all Mexicans are bastards.

  • Cagefighter


    You take things waaaaaaay too seriously. I bet you are a riot on Saturday night.


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