Meeting Day

by captain 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • clearpoison

    Very nice stories thank's for those. As I never reached out for any assignments I cannot feel your pain. I pioneered for a while, was external helper on Bethel rebuild, active in KH building, but all that was activities outside the meetings. In meetings I made my teochratic school assignments mostly as requested (thankfully last years it was just the bible reading part, you could do it blindfolded and without any rehearsal), but that was more or less my activity, rest of the time I just attended. But be certain that if there was any valid activity that would collide with meeting I chose the activity outside the meeting. But it was based on assesment is this really more important than meeting. In many cases it was. One time I was even caught for TV on meeting night, spot that was shown later on evening news. One dear brother teased me about it for years, I just said I had to be there.


  • WTWizard

    I always used to hope for a blizzard every time a boasting session was scheduled. I watched the Weather Channel hoping for a major snowstorm to come barreling in the middle of the afternoon on Tuesday and Thursday, or during Saturday night into Sunday morning. Usually, all they could manage was a storm that would produce diminishing amounts of snow, or worse rain, by the time the boasting session arrived.

  • captain

    Thanks for all the comments, great to know that I'm not the only one thinking how boring they all were - I think the worst was the "comprehension" session (ie the WT). The longest of the week and the one where I always wanted to be somewhere else...

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