Once the Spell is Broken - Leave Mind Control Behind .............

by flipper 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShirleyW

    Hey Flipper, just wondering regarding your daughter, any update on the elder visit you received?

  • flipper

    SHIRLEY- It's been over a month now since the elder called on me - I haven't heard a word from him OR my daughter. My take on it is he just didn't bother calling her at all. The elders have so much other chores they are busy with in their congregations ( that they feel are important ) - I feel he just either forgot or just didn't want to bother

  • TotallyADD

    Sorry to hear that flipper. You are probably right about the elder. Being trained like they are I am sure the stress got to him. I hope for your sake he does talk to her if he has then your daughter gives you a call. Take care. Totally ADD

  • flipper

    TOTALLYADD- Well thanks friend. I won't be holding my breath for the elder or my daughter to call me. But I have some proactive plans up my sleeve this summer to try and reach my daughter. We shall see what happens. I'm going to re-read some of Steve Hassan's suggestions and plot a course

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this up for any who would like to comment. Peace out, Mr.Flipper

  • flipper

    I mentioned that I would share some personal positive experiences which have helped me to move on from the cult mind control of Jehovah's Witnesses . Here are some of them :

    1. I have found by researching a variety of non- WT society books and having access to lots of different information - it has enabled my mind to lose the tunnel vision of ONLY looking at life from ONE perspective through the Jehovah's Witnesses view only and move away from that broadening my horizons. It helped me to see that life isn't either black or white - it is colored in shades of gray with a full influx of VARIOUS colors and possibilities and outcomes.

    2. I value living life to the FULL each and every day as none of us know what the future may bring. I no longer fear an imaginary Armageddon and I'm pretty sure the life I have is pretty much it - so I stop and smell the roses each and every day - yet I'm willing to experience the bad times too- but realize that this too shall pass . It keeps me pretty much even keel in my emotions . Yet I experience things more to the full now as I found it's permissable to be a human being - not a emotionless robot like we were as JW's.

    3. I value non-witness people as dear friends which I never had as a JW. The reason is they like me and accept me in unconditional terms with no judgments. And I do the same to them. It relaxes me around people more so. Thus my non-witness father in law and non witness mother in law are two of the sweetest people I've ever met. When I was married to a JW woman years ago - my former JW in-laws were boorish, rude , and plain didn't have couth or manners. So nowadays when someone says that I'm " worldly " I take it as a compliment.

    4. I have enjoyed also losing the " loaded language " used by JW's. To me I LIVE the truth every day, I'm not IN the " truth " . I no longer use terms like " the truth " , " brother last name " or " sister last name " - I refer to people by their FIRST names - thus getting a more personal feeling of kinship that I never had in the Witnesses.

    5. And lastly, but probably MOST important is I finally have " freedom of mind " to think what I want - not what some old geezers sitting around a conference table in Brooklyn want me to think.

    So that's some of the perks and benefits I've enjoyed. Feel free to add yours too ! Look forward to hearing from you

  • Giordano

    When my wife and I walked out, back in the late 1960's, it was a pretty rough time information wise, as in none,so to change your mind and your life a lot of thinking had to be done. And a lot of it came down to a gut feeling that the Society was flat out wrong. It was the best decision we made including starting a family JW free.

    Fast forward to last Oct. and while doing a little research I stumbled on to this site and discovered that things had gotten much worse in the JW world, Elder abuse, obsessive shunning, more lies and flip flops etc.

    I think I read everything I could here and on freeminds. During that process I discovered a large group of good people that I had a whole world in common with. I was no longer the lone apostate (family description). I now belong to a very large community that went through the same changes my wife and I did.

    From this shared commonality I glean insights into a variety of subjects. And I can speak with complete honesty since I don't have to filter my thoughts or excuse my past (being in a cult and lacking higher education). My simple opinion on that last point is that when you have walked yourself out of this cult and your ready to start your life anew you have earned a higher degree............. in life studies.

    I wish I had found this site years ago .

  • flipper

    GIORDANO- Very good and insightful points you make. You are right- there wasn't the access to information back in the 1960's as there is today due to the Internet . So I really admire you for starting your family away from the JW influence. As you mentioned it is comforting to know we are NOT alone- there are many of us who stopped attending meetings because we just couldn't stomach the lies anymore OR the unjust abuse which takes place. And I too feel that the WT society and Jehovah's Witnesses have gotten worse in causing fear in it's members and have become more controlling. I'm glad we have you here ! Thanks for the comment

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