LIES, DAMN LIES, AND APOSTATES- Part II A Message To Mr. Fearon of The Sex Screens

by PublishingCult 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • whathehadas

    Hey PC I've been following you around....LOL. I know you are a atheist but are you Homosexual? If so why would you care what anyone else thought? I'm a straight African American male and I hear "Bigot" statements and messages sent towards me all the time whether from the media or the public. Does that mean though that I have to get on a soap box and shout or call Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton whenever I get offended? If you like Klinger's art.........all right, but everybody doesn't see art the same. Art comes in different forms and people have their likes and dislikes. You like something, who cares what anybody else thinks

  • sooner7nc

    Good one PC!

    LOL... "lude nude orgy of homo-sex-i-cality..."..... LOL

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught this.

  • cyberjesus

    HAHA very funny!!

    I must say that the SIX SCREENS might be sending some back in..... It stopped me from looking for a year. I found it and I was scared the first time to the point that I stopped looking on the NET for JW information... no kidding.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Art historians will tell you that Micaelangelo was inserting sexual inuendos into his art. The position of Eve is definitely indicative of her just finishing oral sex. Just look up some analysis of the artwork and you will see the inferences made. The other picture with the two nudes behind "The Cross of Jesus" as Rick says; are merely classical verisons of slaves. Rick is a whack job. Anyone who thinks God has chosen them from all of mankind to rule with Christ is a nut job. Amen.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hey, CP, try to pay attention to who's addressing you. I'm not SATANUS. I am the eggman; goo goo ga choob!

  • PublishingCult
    Hey, CP, try to pay attention to who's addressing you.

    CP, LOL.

    Apologies, Nathan. Sometimes I am lazy and let my dyslexia take over. I must've read Natas as Satan, then began typing . . .

  • Confession

    Don't pop in here much anymore, but these threads are interesting. I found another thread I contributed to on this subject back in November 2008. Someone else had written this...

    ...that site kinda gave me the creeps. I think Rick's way of going about the whole thing seemed like a vendetta more than a sincere desire to help people.

    To which I responded...

    I've always avoided saying this, but that's how I've felt about it too. I've tried to examine why specifically I feel this way. I mean, there's some good information there; good experiences, etc. It's just that in the videos (to me) he comes off as loud, affected, and smirking. While the information provided can certainly be of help to people reconsidering the WTS, the primary feeling I'm left with after going to that site is...this man really wants to give that knife a good twist inside the Watchtower belly. Further, his cartoonish persona seems like something current JWs would identify as just the typical nutty apostate the Society warned them about.

    I hope most people don't agree with me. I hope he does genuinely help people see the light, etc. Just the way I see it.

    PC, I too got a kick out of both of your videos! It seems like you and I not only agree on the reasons why Six Screens may be considered bizarre and potentially counterproductive, but your choice of words seemed almost exactly how I might have put it. But now I'll go back to that 2008 thread in which Maximus responded to my post with this...

    "That cartoonish personna" is real. He is genuine. And a nice person. I too think that the site is "creepy" but what doesn't appeal to me, someone else will like.

    And I guess that comment still seems like the most well-adjusted perspective to me. If I'm asked, I'll express that I don't like Rick's style, and that it gives me a sick feeling to read, listen or view much of his content. But I also want to avoid being like the elitists I see in other areas of life, those who object to demagogues--not just with rational discussion--but with their own brand of demagoguery.

    If you really think it's necessary to devote this much energy to the denunciation of Rick Fearon's work--and to do so in such an incendiary fashion--no one needs to tell you that you have full freedom to go for it, just as Rick does. You'll find several people who, like me, agree with you. But inasmuch as many have urged him to consider whether his Six Screens style and content might be counterproductive, you might also consider that although your expressions stand clearly apart from his, they might also have a counterproductive effect.



  • PublishingCult

    Thanks, Confession. Well said.

  • Krettnawe

    Hyperbole, exxageration, and unabashed sarcastic hatred is not a way to attract people to your cause...

  • PublishingCult
    Hyperbole, exxageration, and unabashed sarcastic hatred is not a way to attract people to your cause...

    You do realize that hyperbole is exageration, right?

    I think "sarcastic hatred" would qualify as hyperbole in this instance. Maybe "gently acidulous" would be a better term.

    Speaking of sarcastic, I just love how Rick decided to throw "some" of his callers under the bus after I posted the vids.

    "As for those that call in, some do bring up some crazzy thoughts but because they bring it up does not mean I am in agreement with them." (LINK)

    No, of course not, Rick, and who wouldn't want to distance themselves from irrational people after having lead them in the first place?

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