wts gb and money

by diamondiiz 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • diamondiiz

    What is stopping GB member from syphoning some cash to some offshore account and disappearing from Brooklyn to live a good life? I don't believe that all gb members believe all the shit found in their publications but if they could get their hands on some money couldn't they just disappear? Since Ray Franz has died I can't email him this sort of question. Does anyone here know how the wts financials might work?

    Could it be impossible for an individual to go and take out couple millions and transfer them somewheres?

    If GB members are capable of doing something like that but don't does it mean they believe most what is taught?

    Would it be fear of taking from wts that stops them or loyalty to wts or actual belief system?

    Or are they not capable of syphoning millions and running away due to the wts structure?

    Any opinions.

  • Joliette

    Wow. Wish I could answer that.

    I didnt even know the GB had control of the society's money. I thought they were just spritual figureheads, emphasizing watchtower doctrine. Or is that the president?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The GB couldn't do it because they have no legal standing in the corporation where all the money is. They run the Jehovah's Witnesses which are intentionally kept cash poor. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York and The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, as well as the other spinoff companies, are all separate entities.

    Now Don Adams *might* be able to siphon off some money and escape but I doubt the attorneys that set up the whole multi-corporation scam left many loopholes for an individual to sneak through, if any.

  • God_Delusion
  • TheLoveDoctor

    they dont need money or credit because the live for free go places free, travel vaca, eat and no bills. I think that means thier rich anyway and someone stated because of all the corparations witch are many its hard to trace the money. It reminds me of a get together must be small as to keep it safe, clean and under control. The watchtower is to big, to much property, thier hands are involved in so much rather than living christ. Thier party has gotten to big


    Yeah, maybe one of their bean counters or corporate lawyers could get their hands on it....God, sounds like Enron not a religion.

  • Pahpa

    The LoveDoctor is right. One does not have to be rich to live the "good life."

    Members of the G.B. are treated royally wherever they go. They stay in the

    best places, eat like kings and are given "golden handshakes" by the faithful.

    They are so removed from the real life of the average JW they have no idea

    of how their rules and regulations affect the lives of their members.

  • InterestedOne

    What do you mean by "golden handshake?" Googling that term results in an expression referring to a severance package. I didn't think the GB had a severance package.

  • diamondiiz

    God_delusion has good links which is what I thought of when I started this post. We know that Rutherford and the original board members were original GB which makes me think that they had access to money. Ray Franz said they were believers of most teachings but that was 30 years ago. I don't know what the situation is today with GB members and is it actually possible for them all to still believe all their nonsense.

    I understand that everything is provided for them and all the glory is there but it's still not a life that one can say is truly free which makes me wonder if they could siphon off some cash why didn't any of them do so yet? If a lawyer or a bean counter did this, it's possible because we would never hear anything about it but with GB member the news would spread unless they faked their death but that's too conspiratorial even for wts.

    How does congregational bank account work? Can one elder withdraw money or do they need two signatures? Could multiple signatures be required for higher ups to withdraw funds from wts piggy bank?

    We can only hope there is another GB who quits in the future or the whole cult falls apart and we learn the truth but I won't hold my breath.

  • itsbeenalongtime

    My husbands grandfather is in charge of taking the money to the bank and doing all that kind of work... and he has to make sure everything is just so!! He gets talked right away if he even makes one tiny mistake. Believe me all the elders are wathing the cash flow. However if there is a will there is a way...So Im sure someone could steal something and take off anytime they really wanted too. I doubt they would call the police either...So if anyone is planning to steal, the kingdom hall maybe the best place! hahahahahahahahahahahaa

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