
by rollercoaster 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    gil, i only smoke weed now, but still. technically i'm considered a drug addict.
    i'll live FOREVER! muahaha

  • Abaddon

    Two part arguement really.

    First part is you're in the 'States, and if you got busted, it would be serious, as the USA has no problem keeping over 1% of it's population in jail, 60% of which for non-violent drug related crime. For these reasons it would be wise to stop. Other herbal remidies may give the same results.

    Second part is that it is dumb law, distingushing between drugs that are legal through historical happen-chance (alcohol and tobacco) and those that were legislated against for a variety of reasons.

    You might feel your need justifies the risk in view of the unjust nature of the law. As those reasons for pot being illegal include the profits of major corporations, racism, and old-fashioned religious based moralism, and tobacco and alcohol are far more harmful than pot, the allegation that it is a dumb law is a fair one, in my opinion. Even if you just thought it was a dumb law and smoked 'cause you liked it, it's still a valid opinion, albeit with legal risks.

    Your daughter is reacting to the turn-around of opinion, and I think one thing you should do is not 'sneak around' smoking; if you believe the reasons you use pot are sound, then explain them, illustrate the hypocracy of drug legistlation, and smoke in front of her if she is around. If you're not doing something bad, why hide it?

    Give the example of Holland to her if you like. I live there now, although I am English.

    Holland has decriminalised pot. You can buy it in special shops. Compared to Britain, where it is still illegal, less teenagers smoke pot on a regular basis. The number of hard-drug addicts has gone down (as pot smokers don't have to hang around dealers who might encourage them to try something stronger, they go to an ordinary shop), and there are few young hard-drug addicts compared to either the USA or Britain.

    There are also few people in jail for non-violent drug offences, few families torn apart by such imprisonment. People go to work. The country has less crime then the USA. All the nightmares people who are against drugs make-up are not there. And billions of dollars is not wasted on a 'War on Drugs' that not only cannot be won, but has resulted in drugs being cheaper and more available than they were when the war was declared by Reagan.

    As you may gather, I smoke pot, but it's not why I live in Holland.

    I've been promoted three times in fifteen months and am earning a third more than when I started with the company, and have completed the final third of my BSc via distance learning in that time, so obviously the 2 or so grams of lovely high quality cheap Dutch weed I smoke each week isn't addling my mind that much.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • gilwarrior

    Bea, thank god it is only pot. You should have gone to Apostofest in Dallas this weekend. Everybody got stoned!

    Abaddon, you are right the drug laws here in the States suck and don't help anyone, but the drug dealers.

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    I have always had trouble sleeping. There is a safe, natural supplement that works for many people - it's called "melatonin". Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by a small gland at the base of your brain. The gland secretes it each night to tell your body it's time to sleep. Trouble is, some people don't produce enough, especially as they age. Take 1 tablet of melatonin about an hour before bed, on an empty stomach. It's not a "sleeping pill" and it will not make you feel drugged or groggy. It will simply help you to fall asleep naturally, and most people find that they sleep soundly through the night. It is cheap and perfectly legal and sold over the counter at most health food stores. GNC has it's own brand which I have used for several years. I sleep much better than I used.

    If melatonin alone doesn't work, try valerian root capsules, which you can also get at health food stores. Valerian is a mild sedative which wears off after a couple of hours, so you won't feel groggy in the morning. Chomomile tea is also a good mild sedative.

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