The latest vid making the rounds...

by brizzzy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • brizzzy

    The latest viral JW vid making the email rounds. Check out all the comments.

    Awwwwww, look at the sweet, adorable little boy reading a story about genocide and rape (note the giggles from the audience when he talks about "raping" at 3:14).

    Poor little dude. I hope he comes around and gets out once he's a little older. This makes me remember a 10-year-old kid in my old congregation who got assigned to read "Song of Solomon". When he got to the parts about a body like a palm tree and breasts like date clusters, and climbing up on the palm tree and eating the date clusters and such, the poor kid's face went all beet red and there were a lot of snickers.

  • PublishingCult


  • cyberjesus
  • DagothUr

    Praise Jay Hoover! He's ready for baptism!!!

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Is this kid breathing helium?


  • undercover

    A JW contact on Facebook posted this video. I thought it was a local kid at the time and I wondered if I knew the parents, but having seen it pop up several times elsewhere I realized it's's just some poor kid whose cult parents videotaped his first talk(reading) and now it's gone viral in JWland.

    The first time I saw it I felt sad for the little guy. He's only doing what's expected of him, being a kid of JW parents. Hopefully his intellect and quick learning skills serve him better when he's older and he starts to think for himself. Maybe it won't be too late then...

    But what was interesting was the number of 'comments' and 'likes' on the FB posting. The JW contact is an uberdub (how I got friended is a puzzle). When they firsted posted it, I expected tons of 'likes' and stupid comments about how Jehovah blesses and how wonderful this little boy has made the truth his own at an early age, blah, blah, blah...but no, only one 'like' and it was from another uberdub that's somewhat off center. Maybe all the other dubs were a bit embarrassed and refrained from commenting. That much would be encouraging...

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's been emailed to me 3 or 4 times this week.

    But, I don't understand the "attacks" on the kid (previous string of posts) from so many here. The kid is only 3 1/2, he cannot have any ulterior motive. He's a smart kid. Smart enough that he'll likely see through the BS of the ban on higher education and ignore it and go far in life (and maybe be a big disappointment to his folks, if they are really the super-duper Jdubs).

  • QuestioningEverything

    I think he's cute! But feel terrible for him and all of the pressure that is placed on him at such a young age.

  • serenitynow!

    He is so adorable! He's a very good reader and I agree with the conducter the kid had great sense stress. I just hope that he can get out of the cult. I like the way he stuck his tongue out at the end, that was hilarious!

  • clarity

    Wow, how many hours did it take out this kid's life preparing for this? He's 31/2!!!

    How now, does he top that? He was working on point #1. Now comes point #2.

    Such a bright little guy but honestly, I could see him aging as he was speaking!

    What a LOAD to put on the back of a little kid. This is not a one time event. He's now responsible to keep this up!

    I'm quite sure his parents think this is good. It is pleasing to 'Jehovah' ... maybe, but do they realize the treadmill they've just thrown him onto? He's 31/2!

    Personally, rather than being able to use words like - consequently - and talking about Haman being killed by hanging on a stake ... I would like to see him playing with his trains and being tucked into a warm little bed early ... not 10:30 -11:00!(mtg nite)


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