Worst Night of the Year

by Quendi 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • still thinking
    still thinking


    Also, I have to wonder if this ritual is, in fact, Satanic... particularly since the blood and body of Christ is passed around and rejected (not consumjed)... just makes you wonder...

    Good point!!!!! Never thought of it like that. I don't think I will ever look at the memorial the same again. Thank you


    I had my own little memorial that same night, with wine and organic crackers, a prayer and a little bit of a cry.

    Oh my goodnes, that just made me have a little cry..........so sad that this is what religions do to good people.

  • VampireDCLXV

    When I ceased the field circus because of a deep depression earlier in the year, I ended up not going to the memorial that year either because I felt paranoid about the crowds of ppl wondering where I was and what I was doing. The mere thought of all the whispers and questions made even thinking about attending unbeararble. The up and coming is going to be the fourth one in a row I've missed now and I couldn't care less. I've always done things for my own reasons and my family knows it too.


  • WTWizard

    This is my 6th consecutive year of not attending the REJECT Jesus Party. In 2006, I decided that if I am going to reject Jesus, I might as well do it right and buy a Ouija board instead of attending the official REJECT Jesus Party.

    Prior to that, I always felt that it was the most wasteful evening of the year. You went to the Kingdumb Hell, which was always crowded for no good reason. There are always special parking arrangements that make it a hassle, and then seating is another hassle. The meeting itself is boring after the first one, and you pass a plate of stale crackers and a glass of spoiled grape juice (no one takes any). Then there is the hounding session after. It is difficult to leave after, and you are always late in getting back home. Yet they still expect field circus the next day.

  • Igot2bme

    This year will be my first year of not attending the memorial in 20 years of being a JW. I won't miss it. I get snubbed every time I attend a meeting at the KH and I am not DF'd so I won't go to meetings anymore.

  • Quentin

    1973 the last year I attended, 38yrs, wow, never missed it. I didn't have someone hounding me every year to attend. Out of sight, out of mind. Staggers the imagination how my walking away was so simple as opposed to what so many of you have endured over this most holy of reject Jesus nights. It also being the one night that so many of the "actual partakers" even bothered to attend. I think they were treated with more disrespect than one who was df. Odd how you remember little things like that after so many years.

  • etna

    Last year was the first that I missed in 49 years, no one even asked if we were going. (I feel for you palmtree). I'm glad I'm not going, they are all over "interested" ones, but dfs one they completely ignore, I wish some "interested" ones would notice and say where's the love.


  • boyzone

    I'm disassociated and shunned like many of you here, in other words, a lost sheep in the eyes of a JW. How was a lost sheep supposed to be treated according to the bible? With the shepherd leaving the 99 to go find the lost one, making a thorough search until its found.

    What do the JW's do?

    Give out memorial invites to virtually EVERY home in the territory deliberately excluding mine. Do my JW relatives invite me verbally? Nope, not a word. Does any of the JW's invite me? Not a whisper.

    It was tough the first year, I cried for the lack of love being shown. But its the 4th year now and I've done with crying. Every time memorial comes around their self righteousness and lack of love is reinforced in me, proving to myself I made the right decision to get out.

    They can get stuffed.

  • Quentin

    They can get stuffed....Boyzone...

    They do AFTER the memorial, bloating up on chicken fried steak, burgers, hot dogs and gallons of booze.. Their zeal for such after cellibration is ledgen....another thing Paul warned aginst...Like the idea of a stay at home private individual memorial. You and the creator, awsome, belive JESUS WOULD APPROVE AS WELL...

  • Quendi

    I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, contributions, and links to other discussions about this topic. I'll be staying home on the night of the 17th. Knowing that I won't be missed has made the decision easier. I think that the only people who should attend are those who intend to partake of the emblems. I must agree with those of you who believe that the entire ceremony is pointless unless one partakes. Otherwise, staying at home makes perfect sense. Why "observe" and "celebrate" something that has no personal meaning? Yet the WTS insists on all JWs coming to the meeting, listening to the talk, and then act as though they are actually very happy to be part of the function.

    Nearly 20 million people will go to the Memorial this year. I wonder what the non-Witness or unbaptized person will make of the whole thing. Then there are those who come to the Hall only for this event. And, of course, there are those who are either disfellowshipped, disassociated, or have been publicly reproved and who come because they feel they must. They know their absence will be noted and be held against them when they ask for reinstatement or restoration of privileges.

    My own personal take is that celebrating the Memorial no longer has any scriptural basis. I believe in Jesus' ransom sacrifice and how it will eventually benefit all mankind. I do not have a hope of life in heaven after death, nor do I believe that I am among those who will ever be chosen for this. I do believe that God will reward those who love him and keep the two greatest commandments his Son said we should. That has given my life meaning, and I still have the hope of a future under God's kingdom rule when that kingdom finally comes. But in rejecting so much of the WTS theology surrounding this, I have found that I am now free to walk my own spiritual path, and that is giving me much joy and satisfaction. My friends, I wish the same for all of you.


  • Reality79

    I always said that even if I ever became inactive I would still attend the memorial.

    *makes fart noise*

    Not a chance! I hated it last year and that will be the last time I ever attend that pile of dogshit. I could care less about the JW cult rituals and the mythical Jeebus and Jayhoover characters. I'd much rather be at the local cinema that day.I should probably ride my bike around the area that evening lol.

    Now that I look back, the passing around of cheap tesco wine and stale bread is very creepy and cult like. I'm suprised they don't wear gowns with the hoods over their heads and stand in a circle.

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