The Watchtower Brand

by jgnat 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    So very often I am reminded how much more the WTBTS operates as a corporation than a religion. Every meeting has an agenda, and timelines are adhered to. Publishers and Pioneers practice their sales techniques in front of their peers for critique, have assigned routes and reporting routines. Everyone has someone to report to, right up to the top. There are manuals to follow. Assemblies and quick builds are highly organized, with all roles defined, schedules, and scripts to follow.

    There are a few unique characteristics of the Witnesses that the organization refuses to budge. For instance, at the last assembly I attended, the keynote speaker re-stated that field service will continue, no matter how futile it might seem. He said the door-to-door work defines the Witnesses. And indeed it does. Two other characteristics I suspect will never be dropped is their stance on blood transfusions and the dress requirements. These also uniquely define the JW's from other religions. Even as social norms and medical advances continue, the Witnesses are confined to these qualities that set them apart. Just as an Amish is immediately identifiable in his dark, buttonless suit and the Orthodox Jew with his generous sideburns.

    The marketing concept where an organization is uniquely identified is called branding. It seems to me that the WTBTS is keen to keep its branding, even at great cost to it's members.

    Drop these characteristics, and will the world be able to tell them apart?

  • Dogpatch

    stay tuned later this week for another indictment against the WT on this very subject, from a LEGAL standpoint!

    It's going to be good!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, jgnat:

    Very well thought out and expressed. Thank you very much. Please see the following and check letter box for a pm.


    The sole purpose of our existence as a Society is to announce
    the Kingdom established in 1914 and to sound the warning of
    the fall of Babylon the Great [in 1918]. We have a SPECIAL
    message to deliver.

    Fred Franz's words to Bethel family, November 17, 1979.

  • slimboyfat

    Birthdays and Christmas have a similar function too. The technical details of why JWs are not supposed to celebrate these holidays are not so important as the very fact that it separates JWs from school mates and colleagues and is a source of conflict and discussion that gets people talking about the Watchtower.

    Having said that JW markers are not as strong as some religions that require wearing a sign (a turban, certain dress, face decoration) that constantly marks out adherents as separate.


    Hey Jgnat..

    I can spot a JW anywhere..

    If you see 2 people Dressed Up,in out dated clothes,barely moving down a street..

    They`re JW`s..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • jgnat

    randy - cool, I'll keep an eye out.

    CoCo - great to hear from you.

    slimboyfat - agreed, the WTS is not the only religious organization that distinguishes itself by certain signs. My dread is that, especially in the case of the blood doctrine, they have found no elegant way out. This "branding" costs lives. As for other distinguishing doctrines, such as skipping birthdays, I don't think the society is as invested. The requirement for field service and distinguishing clothing has been emphasised from the platform in the past year, however. The WTS has also fought through the courts here in Canada over the door-to-door work and the right to refuse blood transfusions. They are far too invested to drop these practices.

    outlaw - around here, most people have trouble distinguishing Witnesses from Mormons. I ask, "Did they have name tags? Then you were looking at Mormons."


    Hey Jgnat..

    Mormons VS JW`s is an easy spot..


    Mormons dress in Solid Black with white shirts/black tie and name tags..

    If it`s hot out..No black suit jacket..


    JW`s rarely dress in all black..

    I`ve never seen in 2 JW`s in solid black,in the Field Service..

    JW`s wear suit coats or sport jackets..

    Shirt sleeves are not acceptable even in hot weather..

    No name tags..

    Your lucky to get a JW to admit they are a JW,when they come to the door..

    They usually avoid telling you who they are..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • wobble

    The "watchtower", as a brand image was, like virtually everything else about Russell, not original, he stole the brand !

    His doctrines and ideas are all derivitive too, so much for his trying to give the impression that he had a Hotline to Heaven.

    Their desire to be different is a sales necessity I suppose, if they don't have major differences how can they claim to be the one true religion.?

    How very different from Jesus, who on one occasion just melted in to the crowd, because he looked the same as any other young Jewish man, and in Gethsemene had to be identified by the traitor's kiss , for the same reason.

  • jgnat
  • WhatWasIThinking

    Outlaw, did you mean no short sleeves? I saw lots of brothers wearing short sleeves in field service and in the hall in the summer months. Personally I always wore long sleeves no matter how hot it was because I think short sleeves with a tie looks silly. Reminds me of one of the Bobs from Office Space. The clothes are outdated because they buy the least expensive service clothes possible. I was shopping with a brother who balked at a $200 suit but had no problem paying $75 for an Ed Hardy t-shirt.

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