Are women more spiritual then men?

by jam 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    To men, women are a dangerous necessity. Unenlightened men, that is.

    To women, men are a dangerous necessity. Unenlightened women, that is.

    Terry . . . I'm not being flippant . . . many of the points you make are valid. I just don't believe the social inequalities that befall individuals, groups of individuals, and society as a whole, that manifest themselves as "a male dominated power structure" can be analysed using a gender-based premise, nor are they exclusively the result of the role religion plays . . . I think it is more complex than that. But as I said . . . you make several valid points


  • Terry

    I just don't believe the social inequalities that befall individuals, groups of individuals, and society as a whole, that manifest themselves as "a male dominated power structure" can be analysed using a gender-based premise, nor are they exclusively the result of the role religion plays . . . I think it is more complex than that


    But, this Discussion topic assumes a gender based position for analysis, doesn't it?

    It is quantitative based on gender, isn't it?

    Are women MORE SPIRITUAL than men?

    This is the PREMISE of the Topic, after all and it contains BOTH elements you personally object to: Gender and religion.

    I would suggest your complaint be directed at the Topic and not at my analysis.

    I have gone to the trouble of defining my terms. I clearly stated what I believe SPIRITUALITY means.

    I further placed gender within an historical context with the growth and spread of christianity as the test case.

    I suggested cause and effect.

    That is about as duly dilligent as I can be in responding within the context of the stated Topic.

    You, on the other hand, simply wave it away.

    WHAT ARE YOUR ACTUAL IDEAS? We know what your complaints are.

    I'm not lecturing you. I'm just trying to see where you are coming from. I don't know what your reasoning is.

    I only know you don't prefer the flavors of my disquisition.

    If you say you "don't believe such and such" you might give actual reasoning from cause to effect so that we may

    know how you get to your own conclusions.


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