Do Children Who Get Baptized Have Any Legal Leeway To Leave The Religion When They Are Older Without Shunning?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    1 Peter 2:21 -- "Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps [NWT adds "closely"]

    Baptism is the one thing in which they fail to follow in Jesus' footsteps CLOSELY -- Why else does the Bible say he was baptised at THIRTY YEARS OF AGE??

    It's how they control people. Because once they have their "hooks" in someone, they never let go!

  • donuthole

    The Watchtower position is that even if a JW youth entered into a contract with the religion prior to being of legal age that their continued association thereafter give evidence of their agreement to it. So by continuing to identify yourself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and participating in congregation activities as one you validate your baptism contract.

  • hamsterbait

    There was a Witchtower article many years ago that said getting baptised is entering into a contract with the Organisation.

    Minors cannot enter into legally binding contracts, therefore their baptism is invalid.

    Try arguing that continuing to live with your partner, years after getting married whilst underage, makes the marriage valid. It wont hold up in a court.

    Try arguing that continuing to let your father rape you after you turn 18, disqualifies you from seeking justice.

    The Borg just wants it all their own way to blackmail and terrorise its members. It is only fear that keeps most dubbies in line now.


  • designs

    The Emancipation Laws that some underage kids have used could list the religion as one reason.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Baptism is a religious act/doctrine. It has no legality, esp. in countries such as the US that don't have an established church. The power of baptism is in the belief. Legality is no part of the picture. It is not a legally enforceable agreement that courts will enforce. It is a vague promise at the most. Its legitimacy derives solely from religious belief. No belief, no duties.

    I find the young age of baptisms today baffling. When I was young, I always heard how perverted Roman Catholicism and most Protestant denominations were for having infant baptism. A two month old or a ten year old, both are incompetent to make any competent decision.

    I was confirmed in a church. It was a statement of my intentions. I can't sue them for poor sermons or boring services and they can't sue me for not attending services or classes.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I was 12 but didn't leave till I was 33 so I don't think I can play that card.

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