"After all, we modern-day JWs are continuing the work from the 1st Century C.E."

by miseryloveselders 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    Truth is I see myself as a catholic, not an RC since I don't accept the authority of the Vatican, but an universalist.

    Don't Catholics put heavy doctrinal weight in the Virgin Mary?


  • PSacramento
    Don't Catholics put heavy doctrinal weight in the Virgin Mary?

    Yes, many do.

    Personally I don't think Mary was a virgin after Jesus, not unless his brothers and sisters were immaculate as well, LOL !

    Not sure why the RCC continues to hold on to that to be honest.

  • sabastious
    Not sure why the RCC continues to hold on to that to be honest.

    They say that Mary was always a virgin even though Jesus had siblings?


  • PSacramento

    I believe that is the official version, some say that Jesus siblings were cousins or from Joesph via an earlier marriage.

    While cousins is a possibility, IF Joe was a widower the gospels would have said so.

    It makes more "sense" to accept that while Mary was a virgin for Jesus (immaculate conception) afterwards, since Joe was such an awesome dude and dad, they had more kids.

    Does NOT take away from Mary's special place at all.

  • sabastious

    That's really crazy I never knew that. Shows how hard headed people can be with their views. Mary was obviously not a virgin lol.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Jesus' siblings were adopted. See, when an earthquake devastated a town in southwestern Europe, Joseph, as part of the really-big regional building committee volunteered to go and help rebuild the Kingdom Halls there. When he arrived, he found several poor orphaned children as a result of the quake. With his heart filled with pity, he adopted them and they became Jesus' siblings. He also helped rebuild the home of the pagan who lived next to the Hall and now that pagan man is a regular Bible study.

  • PSacramento
    That's really crazy I never knew that. Shows how hard headed people can be with their views. Mary was obviously not a virgin lol.

    I am aure you can find more about it if you google it, I think it had to do with the influence of the "Cult of Mary" that raised her to a perpetual virgin, something that is NOT biblical at all.

    To be honest I am going on memory from what I read sometime ago and could be missing stuff and if I am, I apologise.


  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Immaculate CON-ception, what can I say....

  • Vidiot

    sabastious - "They say that Mary was always a virgin even though Jesus had siblings?"

    Yup. They've always had a real problem with the idea that any major 1st Century Christian had a sex life. 'Specially J.C., himself.

    Even better, the original Aramaic word "almah" used to describe the Messiah's mother in the Isaiaic prophecies merely translates as "young woman".

  • AuntBee

    The "Great apostasy" idea is also crucial to Mormonism. (they also give a hat-tip to Martin Luther, as does the WT on occasion. )

    Fragments of Jesus Christ’s Church were all that remained and doctrine was often mixed with pagan practices or the practices of other religions. The world fell into apostasy , which means that the truth of the gospel was not on the earth. There were no prophets to lead the people, and man was left to his own wisdom. This does not mean that God and Jesus Christ completely ignored mankind. There were times that men were guided to certain places or ideas. Members of the Mormon Church, for instance, believe that Christopher Columbus was led to the Americas by the Spirit and that the discovery of the Americas was instrumental in God’s plan for us. The new land provided a place where a new government could arise, a government that had built into its framework a tolerance for all religions. Mormons also believe many of the reformers of religion, such as Martin Luther, were inspired of God.

    The restoration of the Jesus Christ’s Church came about through Joseph Smith (understandingmormonism.org)

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