"Leaving Amish Paradise" TONIGHT 16th.Mch. BBC2 21.00hrs GMT

by wobble 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chalam

    Hello all!

    Just watched this on BBC iPlayer and thought I post here but wobble was on the case already :)


    The striking parallels with JWism are clear.

    Hope you are well.

    Blessings in Christ,

    Stephen xx

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Does anyone remember this similar experience (Mennonites in this instance)? ..... w.05, 9/1, p. 25-6

    Yes I do. When I saw that article I looked up a Mennonite website and found that their offical policy did not condone shunning. It said one of the reasons they had split from the Amish was the shunning policy.


    I had already seen "Trouble in Amish Paradise" and was hopeful that these families would be ok, but watching this I couldn't help thinking of our BrotherDan. They think they have freedom, but it's only within their tiny box.

  • Heaven

    There is a lack of joy and a sad resignation to Jesse and the 2 women. It's like they're on auto pilot.

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