Saudi Troops Enter Bahrain

by cofty 10 Replies latest social current

  • cofty

    While the world has been focussed on Japan, the rulers of Bahrain have permitted around 1000 Saudi troops to enter the Kingdom to help quell opposition protests.

    Ruling families in the Gulf states are mostly Sunni Muslims, the protestors are Shi'ite Muslims. Iran, which is a Shi'ite state, has voiced its opposition to Saudi interference.

    The potential for a sectarian conflict is very concerning.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I got a real problem with monarchies but an even bigger problem with sectarian lunacy.

  • sabastious

    I see 2012 is the actually END of the world and "the end" takes a year to happen.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    And end is just a new beginning. We'll be ok.

  • d

    Despite all the revolts in the Middle East we will be okay.

  • diamondiiz

    This worries me more than Japan. IMO what started in '08 is just going to intensify. While this may not have anything to do with market crash it has to do with global economies which were weak to begin with and were propped up by trillions of dollars pumped into the system. With middle east burning we will see the effect globally through high oil prices which will translate into higher gas prices which means it's more expensive to produce goods and transport them. If there is enough of unrest in middle east, China should be affected by the global slowdown which means the masses of people who ignore the regime in China may not do so for much longer which may turn into a real blood bath there.

    If that occurs that should be the time for wts to finally peak where many fearful df and new recruits join the cult and living on hope instead of thinking rationally how to make through the hardships. If that occurs and years pass by and no end, wts will collapse under the weight of it's own BS.

    I see a new beginning after all of this, new social outlook on how we grow as a human family. I recommend reading the Fourth Turning for anyone who hasn't done so.

  • cofty

    Bahrain is descending into chaos tonight. The Sunni rulers of the rich Gulf oil states cannot afford to allow a popular Shi'ite uprising.

  • villabolo

    Diamondiz: "This worries me more than Japan."

    The situation in Bahrain may have more mid to long term consequences for the US and the world in general but the people in Japan are going to suffer as much, perhaps much more, than the people in Bahrain. This, assuming the worse case scenario in both countries.


  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Villabroho for President! He almost knows as much as Reagan but not as much as Glenn Beck. Villa knows everything, the resident walking Enpsychopedia.

  • cofty

    Keep an eye on Bahrain. There were reports on BBC radio today from medical staff in one of the hospitals saying the police were killing people and preventing doctors from treating injured protestors.

    The people's sense of anger and injustice is overwhelming. The won't go away, the Sunni leadership aren't intelligent enough to negotiate, Iran won't stand by and watch Sunni leaders kill the Shi'ite population. Western leaders are afraid to say too much, its a mess and its getting worse by the hour.

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