The JW funeral talk outline - poor taste or REALLY poor taste?

by Mr. Falcon 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mindseye

    Yes, a close family member of mine died recently and it was like this. 3 minutes about the person, the rest was a giant sales pitch and talk about paradise. The whole ordeal felt cold. It even left some of my fellow JW family members, who grew up "around the truth" and went back in, bewildered. I was wondering if they ever payed attention at all.

    In contrast, I attended a Catholic funeral a few years back, and it was much more human. It was actually about the person, his life and the legacy he left behind.

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    God forbid you would talk about the person at his funeral............what do most people get after living 70-80 years..........a 5-10 minutes eulogy....................The transition statment is "Let me tell you about what Fred REALLY believed in".............................45 minutes later....

    That way the specker can count his time.

    As we know people in the organization are as unimportant living or DEAD!

  • Pahpa

    I remember how uncomfortable non-believers became when a

    funeral talk went over 15 minutes. It became a propaganda and

    doctrinal discourse for the Watchtower Society. But, I'm afraid

    it had just the opposite effect. People were relieved when it

    was over. The trend in "worldly" funerals is to celebrate

    life and share interesting stories about the deceased. It's

    a far better approach for those grieving the loss of a loved



    The WBT$ will use anything to Promote the WBT$ including a Funeral..

    Did yer Kin folk Die?..

    Thats reason enough..To become a JW and Work for the WBT$..Free of Charge!..

    Now go bury whoever that is and git to work..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • ThomasCovenant

    Hope it is ok to copy and paste this from docbob's site.

    Funeral talk outline

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Note: Instead of eulogizing the deceased, use the material in this outline to give a fine witness concerning the truth.

    Thanks, Thomas.

    good Lord....... shameful. When I die I hope they just roll me up in newspaper and toss me from a speeding car. I'd rather have nothing than have someone spend 45 minutes hard-selling my loved ones.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Brother Falcon sadly passed away.....


    ..but the good news is that we just received a shipment of Bible Teach books!


    Anywho, I was at one of these infomercials not too long ago. Same format. What I took away from the service was that the deceased had a lovely garden; other than that, not much about the actual PERSON.

    45 minutes of "what they believed" - I kid you not, doctrine from A - Z; creation to the culmination of 6000 years of human history, the coming conflagration wherein our lives would be scrutinized; were we on God's side? this was the real reason that the day of death was better than the day of birth - what kind of name have we made with God, whose name is Jehovah? Who else knows his name, yada, yada - so many scriptures; probably at least 20 in 45 minutes ... we had to pinch ourselves - we thought we were at an assembly, not a memorial with all the Bible page-flipping going on.

    Feedback from the bulk of worldlies who attended was that they were convinced the speaker did not even know the individual; that it was a cult recruiting tactic to push doctrine for 45 minutes; most were totally OFFPUT by the whole fiasco. So if HQ thinks this is the way to advertise, advertise, advertise the King and his Kingdom, they're shooting themselves in the foot.

    Worst part of it all was the big display of literature when you first set foot in the Hall - like a book signing display...horrible. REALLY REALLY bad taste.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    I think I would want my funeral anywhere but in a Kingdom Hall.

  • VampireDCLXV

    It's just so wonderful to think about... a JW funeral being little more than a 45 minute infomercial for WT$ doctrine. Lovely, isn't it?...


  • cognac

    I was just at a JW funeral this past Sat. I wonder if it was the same one?

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