using the name "jehovah"

by finallyfree! 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal


    I never felt right about using this name the whole time I was in the religion!!

  • JuanMiguel

    The "letter" in discussion among some JWs has to do with instruction regarding the latest change in liturgy occurring throughout the world in the Catholic Church, specifically in the Roman Rite, the one most people in the United States are familiar with. It does not apply to use by Catholics when liturgy is not involved. It’s also not a ban on the use of the name.

    The directive changes nothing for Catholic worship or practice (as no official texts for liturgy make use of the name), save for what I understand is one or two popular hymnal songs used in the United States, one of which actually begins with the lyrics: “Yahweh, I know you are near.” –as quoted from Catholic News Agency (CAN) and from a re-release of the new lyrics from the song from its Catholic publisher, OCP (Oregon Catholic Press).

    Next time you hear one of Jehovah’s Witnesses use this information to criticize Catholics or others for not using the name, ask them:

    1. What is liturgy and why is okay for Catholics to use God’s name when there is no liturgy? What’s the difference?

    2. The most popular international English Catholic version of the Bible, the New Jerusalem Bible, uses it every time it appears written in the original texts—which like the NWT surpasses 6,000 times. The use, publication, and distribution of this Bible is neither affected by this latest instruction nor is the permission and recommendation of the Church to use it changed in any way. It is still on the market and as popular than ever. What does this mean in reference to Catholics, this latest instruction, and their use of the name?

    3. Since this instruction refers to the use of the Divine Name only in a “liturgical setting,” what other types of settings are there in Catholic life and worship, and how is the Name to be used in these instances or at all, and why?

    Again, this directive has been described by Witnesses as a “ban” on the use of the name or a “change” in Catholic use or doctrine. It's actually none of that. If a person thinks otherwise and doesn’t know the difference between a liturgical setting and that which is non-liturgical, they don’t have a basic comprehension of the letter which Miserylovesselders has highlighted is apparent by the painful show of ignorance in the WT study cited.

  • Heaven

    I noticed in that pic of the GB there aren't any Chinese or Indian or First Nations men. And of course, there are no women. They aren't a very diverse group. You'd think Jehovah would have selected a more widely representative bunch than 1 black guy and 8 white guys. Just sayin' ....

  • AuntBee

    I happened upon this by Justin Martyr, commenting on YHWH, that it is NOT a personal name. Interesting.

    When hit with the "Divine name" by some JWs, i used an example of someone in danger crying out to God, just calling him "God", but was He really up there going -- "Forget you! You didn't say "Jehovah"!!!


    Like PSac said- Jehovah is not God's real name.

    It is a nick name that is a hybrid of the unpronounceable name of God merged with the word adonai [which means lord]. The Watchtower would have you believe that they are restoring God's true name and giving it to the world. The reality is that they are glorifiying a nick name that no Jew [including Jesus and the apostles] ever used.

    I agree with many of the posts on this subject, because the majority of these bloggers are educated on the truth [not to be confused with 'The Truth" tm.


  • miseryloveselders

    When hit with the "Divine name" by some JWs, i used an example of someone in danger crying out to God, just calling him "God", but was He really up there going -- "Forget you! You didn't say "Jehovah"!!!

    LOL, good illustration.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thanks miesryloveselders for the link.

    Also Outlaw I loved your post it made me laugh. I still have the tract that shows a Catholic prist with a quot saying that some religions have problems with child molesters and do nothing about it really.

    When the CO came to visit I showed him the tract and said is this not calling the kettle black. We had three child molesters in the hall at the time and no one in the hall was supposed to know. He was beyond made at me.

    So Outlaw your post made my day.


  • Stargater

    Many religions use the name discreetly and reverantly, and in my opinion it's in very poor taste to use it as the Society does. It shows a complete misunderstanding of scripture, but that's never stopped 'em before.

  • finallyfree!

    thanks outlaw for the wonderful pic! you guys notice the "bling" on their fingers?? the 2 dudes on the left, and i remember when i was watching the video there was the black dude...jaracz is it? who had one big chunk on his finger. not much different than the show and tell of the other "churches". all paid for by the flock.

    yeah this was something i was confused about younger. and when they say that oh its the scripture that says he who calls upon the name of god will be saved, like b said, god i dont think is gonna hear a prayer and say "sorry try again" cuz he dont hear his name. id even use a more personal illustration, if being a parent you hear your child desperately crying out for help,mommy! daddy! will u not stop whatever ur doing and go help? how much more so with our heavenly father?

    heaven: what do ya expect? its an american religous corporation. couldnt be any more fitting to have a buncha yankees runnin the show, they musta voted the black dude on the executive councel/ board of directors to say "see! see!! we support/take advantage of visible minorities!" lol!

  • Heaven

    they musta voted the black dude on the executive councel/ board of directors to say "see! see!! we support/take advantage of visible minorities!" lol!

    Yes, they have their token minority. It is very blatant too. Quite sad, really. I just don't think Jehovah/Yahweh/YHWH/God/Invisible Sky Daddy would have been so unselective. Just another piece of evidence to support they weren't chosen by a higher power.

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