Witness having a hay day

by d 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • d

    For those that are still going to the meetings.What are they saying about Eygpt, Libya and Tunisa and the labor protests in the United States and the increasing gas prices.Are they all fired up with end times fodder.Tell me your thoughts


  • RevLeFrench

    what about all the earthquakes that are happening in NZ and Japan? That always get the big 'A' chat going.

  • wobble

    "Oooooh it is Sooooooooo close now, it must be !!!!! " or "substance thereof" as the TMS written review used to say.

    I haven't spoken to a Dub recently, so I am only guessing, but I'm sure I can hear it !

  • stillin

    I go. Nobody says anything. That's worldly talk. At most you may hear somebody say 'It's getting bad...really bad."

  • mrquik

    I think I'm going to do that too. I'm going to say the end is near until it shows up. No matter that is might be decades or centuries away or regardless of the circumtances. Then I can say " Told you so". Think I'll have a beer while I'm waiting.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I saw an article on Yahoo news about how on the 19th we will have a super moon as its apogy(sp) will place it the closest to earth in a 1000 yrs. This will no doubt have an effect on things like earth quakes tides and what not.

    Aren't the witnesses the ones who love to say how the moon is the perfect distance from earth? But they will use this as a sign that the big A is coming for the 4,243 time ;-)

  • baltar447

    I just love how they all say on their Facebook status how their thoughts are "with our brothers" "our spiritual brothers" etc etc. What happened to the rest of humanity?

  • LostGeneration

    What happened to the rest of humanity?

    Well no worries for them. Its actually better for them to die now so they can get a second chance after the big A.

    But back to the OP, it is pretty sickening. Any gloom and doom for humanity means they are happy. They are going to have one heck of an April with their aux pioneer program. Hopefully some crazy nooo lite comes down the pipe for the DCs so us "apostates" will have some new ammo to use this summer.

  • d

    At most all I hear is "it's getting bad" whenever they come to my house .One brother told me a few yrs back he expects full revolution to come to the U.S and this will really be the end.I had to try hard to not laugh at such nonsense.Why is everything so American Centered?

  • headisspinning

    Ha! I got a text message from my ex this morning telling me the Great Tribulation is coming and I better buckle down and get serious before it's too late. He told me to stop screwing around and that my life and the life of my baby is on the line.

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