Do worldly people (never a JW) request no blood in case of emergency?

by Iamallcool 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I love how the JWs sieze on the paranoia of a few worldly loons and create an entirely new reality around it for themselves. It's really pretty amazing when you think about it.

  • dgp

    In tropical countries, Chagas disease should scare you a hell of a lot more than AIDS. So should hepatitis B or C. Yet people still take transfusions. The correct assumption is that yes, there is a chance you can get an infection, but the alternative is sure death. You tell me what people pick.

    I happen to have a friend who just recently underwent chemotherapy. When she was first screened, they found that she had abnormally low levels of haemoglobin, and they gave her blood for that. She is alive now, and it is safe to say that she has survived cancer. I shudder to think how many Jehovah's witnesses would die a stupid death under equal circumstances. The possibility of an infection would matter, but not in the big picture.

  • BluesBrother

    Just for interest, I put up this WT comment :

    Awake 1998 Sept 22 p 31

    "Interestingly, The Toronto Star reports that during one recent year, some 40 people “checked into Canadian hospitals falsely claiming to be Jehovah’s Witnesses because they did not want blood transfusions.” Surveys indicate that about 90 percent of Canadians would prefer some alternative to donor blood. The use of blood, therefore, is no longer simply a religious issue."

  • jgnat

    My grandmother, dying of terminal bone cancer, refused blood transfusions which would have eased her suffering. Her fear was that she would get AIDS. Lessee....a few more months of mobility versus the possibility of HIV which would take YEARS to develop....

    It wasn't a sane choice, but who is going to argue with a dying grandma?

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