Who converts and Why? SURVEY - Please contribute

by Murray Smith 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ziddina


    Har de har har...

    Oh, hugs, ((((((((WasBlind))))))))!! At least you and your daughter got out, right??

    LV101!! Hey, why don't you chew out my parents for being such vicious idiots, and I'll chew out yours!!!


  • LV101

    ZIDDINA --- RIGHT ON! it doesn't do any good and THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID and would only feel more successful w/themselves for causing pain and maiming so when they look in the mirror they can feel elevated and better about themselves. IT IS DIFFICULT to love one's enemies as we know - OMIGAWD!

  • ziddina

    LV101, good points!! I've commented further in a PM to you, so as to avoid dragging this thread off-topic - I tend to do that...

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Does Outlaw ever have something of substance to contribute, or does he have to make a joke out of everything?

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I like OUTLAW

    Sometimes the mood needs lifting for a while.

  • wasblind

    " Does Outlaw ever have something of substance to contribute, or does he have to make a joke out of everything "

    what's wrong with a good laugh ? and if you could comprehend what he is conveying

    you would see that he gets to the point through a sense of humor

    If you ever get tired of heart felt laugh or smile go back to the Kingdom Hall

    I sure as hell, won't miss you

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    I feel absolutely priviliged to have OUTLAW on this thread (pffft)

    Humor has to be welcome anywhere . . . remember though the focus is on the absence of parenting factors and it's significance . . . personal experience is revealing heaps to date . . . be great to keep it coming.

    AA . . . BotR . . . Ziddina . . . thanks for great posts

    Lv101 . . . wasblind . . . anything relating to observations re parenting factors contributing (in your pre-conversion)?

    Ideally I could do with a lot more personal experiences/ observations . . . I intend to use it productively.

    C'mon OUTLAW . . . there must be some absence of parenting factors in your case . . . surely

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    C'mon OUTLAW . . . there must be some absence of parenting factors in your case . . . surely

    Goodluck in getting him to string more than 2 sentences together without pretty pictures.

    I'd like to contribute but I'm not a convert.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    The observations you made ZID? . . . in my opinion are right on the mark re; the WT taking advantage of slowed onset of individuality. I agree with that, and so does much of the material I read, and that the control soon moves well beyond the initial need of the individual.

    In fact, the next stage of conversion . . . the intense indoctrination process is where most of any psychological damage inflicted is done, according to some research. The stripping away of any individuality that HAS been achieved to this point, causes permenent mental illness in a great many which may surface many years later.

    I'm particularly interested in early adult development including the developmental factors which signal vulnerability . . . a rounded understanding of this is vital to my mind, in developing any sort of "unpicking' strategy . . . to take the individual back to that period mentally . . . sort of like finding where the path 'diverted' and so provide a possible opportunity (hope that makes sense).

    Which is why I need an abundance of research material . . . . more . . . . PLEASE

  • Heaven

    My grandfather introduced this religion to the family after he converted from Catholocism because he was disgusted with the Catholic preists and nuns. This is where it all started in my family.

    I was told that when they started digging to build the subway system in Montreal, Quebec, they dug up a bunch of tiny coffins which turned out to be the bodies of aborted babies from the nuns on Nun's Island. My grandfather used to watch the preists rowing over to Nun's Island at night from the mainland and put 2 and 2 together.

    All my grandfather's children (including my Mom) loved their Father immensely and wanted to please him. But not all the children converted.

    So I was born into this. But I never joined up. I got out as soon as I graduated from high school. It doesn't take long to realize that what the Watchtower is spewing is crap, especially when they try to shove beliefs that counter your own principles down your throat.

    My Father got sucked in after I was grown up because his marriage sucked and he was having a lot of difficulties with retirement.

    So the vulnerabilities in my family have nothing to do with poor parenting. They have to do with another religion not working out for one person, children wanting to please a parent, and other people not being able to deal with life's changes/difficulties.

    After reading many of the stories here on JWN, comparatively speaking, my parents weren't that bad despite the WT$ influence.

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