What attention needs to be given to the equipment we use in the witness work? KM 95/3 question box

by fadinfast 5 Replies latest social humour

  • fadinfast

    1 Although having an appropriate Scriptural presentation in mind, a publisher of the good news might be unprepared when it comes to the equipment he uses. When at the door, he may not have the current literature offer.[ make sure you buy your obligatory mags before you leave the Kingdom hall] The magazines, brochures, and tracts in his witnessing case may be wrinkled or tattered.[ you can of course iron or press them, but we are not telling you that, so you can buy some replacements] He may be unable to find a pencil[ using a pencil, so mistakes can be deleted, always remember to carry a pencil sharpener or penknife, no forget the penknife, as we cant be seen carrying a dangerous weapon from 'door to door'] or a house-to-house record because his case is not properly organized.[ we wont want it to reach the point were the A part of Isaiah 52:11: becomes appropiate!] It is important to give careful attention to your equipment before sharing in field service.

    2 What items should a well-equipped witnessing case contain? A Bible is essential.[ maybe all you need, but you will need to buy a NWT, there is more however, whats the second most important] Include a supply of house-to-house records.[certainly warrantssecond place don't want to forget/lose any customers or potential customers=lose of revenue] Be sure that you have the publication that is being featured for the month. [make sure you have bought sufficient books for your territory,these are best sellers, and sell like hot cakes, don't worry if you buy to many we will have an ' after the light has gone out sale, in oooh say a few months time] Current issues of the magazines, as well as tracts and brochures, are also needed.[ this is not an option, notice the command 'are also needed' do not leave the hall without buying plenty of these] Carry a copy of the Reasoning book.[ this is a good example of an 'out of light book', blood, last days etc, which we are scrambling to reprint under the new name of, 'Argumentation from the Trusted/Truthful New World Translation' so buy a few copies, as we don't want to many left at the factory store] Having the latest OurKingdomMinistry will allow you to review suggested presentations before going to the door.[ Good morning we are here today Poly wants a cracker Poly wants a cracker] When working in territory where you are likely to meet people who speak a foreign language, it would be good to have the booklet GoodNewsforAllNations.[ buy a few copies and share with any one you know that is going overseas, great conversation starter] Having a copy of one of our publications designed for young people will help you to be prepared to speak to teenagers.[having a mobile, cellphone, so you can text them; or a laptop so you can 'Twitter/facebook them would probarly be more appropriate, buy many copies leave one with a potential customer truth lover and get them to text you what they think of certain points] [also what we are not telling you here is if you are out for as long as you should be ;we would like/demand, then you will need a cut lunch and a waterbag]

    3 Everything used should be neatly arranged in your case. The case itself does not have to be new,[ because we don't sell them] but it should be clean and in good condition.[ and have a good set of wheels, as with all that is in there its going to be a bit of a 'heavy burden' but let Jesus become your wheels and 'lighten your load'] Your witnessing case is part of your equipment for use in declaring the good news.[ we will soon be printing bumper stickers for your bags which you will soon be able to purchase: please come up with some suggestions for the wording] Keep it in good order. FF

  • TheJigsUp


  • Listener

    That's funny FF, I loved the bag with wheels bit.

    When you consider that they have been doing this witnessing month after month and year after year for a looong time it makes the idea of having to go out in fs with the most current magazines a lot of nonsense, especially if they only cover the same territory once every few months.

  • fadinfast

    Our literature is Free, but for $5 I'll go away.

    No Passing ! Show some respect I'm a Jedi Warrior.

    As a Jedi Warrior, any nonsense and you'll feel the sharp edge of my 'New Light' sabre.

    I've got the mini the 'Good Boys' have the Caddie.


  • Morbidzbaby

    LMAO they're actually printing this AGAIN?? I can't count how many times I've had to sit through study articles like this. How many JW's are running around with tattered bookbags and worn out Bibles and 3-year-old back-issues, anyway??

    I loved your little peanut gallery comments, tho!

  • fadinfast

    Here is a few more 'bumper stickers' that came to mind.

    JW Community Service

    We have removed all rubbish in your neighbourhood; now please receive it back in a printed form.

    Jehovah's organization is on the march with marvelous prospects. If you truly appreciate Jehovah's organization, you will direct others to it enthusiastically.If you are practicing true Christianity, you have found the organization that is educating persons for life eternal.WT 73 7/1 p406 par 23-24

    I have the sticker above to remind myself what I am doing here.

    'The Watchtower 130+ years, of Wisdom and Wise and Words'

    IF YOU stop breathing air, you will die in a few minutes. If you stop drinking water, you will die in a few days. If you stop eating food, you will die in a few weeks. If you stop feeding on Jehovah's spiritual provisions, then when you die you will be dead, forever.

    Wt87 10/1 p10

    'The Watchtower 130+ years, of Neighborly Love'

    Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.

    WT89 9/1 p19

    'The Watchtower 130+ years, of Neighborly Love'

    With what worldly corporation or business firm could you safely build a lasting future? There is none! This is no time to plan for a prosperous future in some worldly business firm or to be climbing the corporate ladder. Keep material things in their proper place. That certainly would include zealous, regular participation in the Christian ministry. It is time to preach, preach,preach the good news of God's Kingdom. WT84 7/15 p17 par9-10 FF

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