
by MrFreeze 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrFreeze

    Being a JW, especially if you work, there is no time for anything else really. Work, field service, meetings. Wash, rinse, repeat. Now that you are out of the JW's, it certainly frees up a lot of time!

    With all that free time, you have to fill it with something. What do you fill it with now? Do you have any hobbies?

    I used to play a couple instruments sparingly but over the course of working, meetings, service I didn't have any time. Now having left the JW's I have a little bit more free time. I don't know what hobby I should undertake. I started learning the guitar, teaching myself but I haven't picked it up in a while. Maybe I'll work on becoming a guitar god.

  • mythreesons

    Rock on, Mr. Freeze! LOL I also picked up playing the guitar and it has been fun!

    I'd have to say though that my kids are the biggest beneficiaries of our free time...they are in sports, we go to parks, go hiking, and I get to coach my boys teams. It's been great to be a father and just let the boys do what boys do.

  • TotallyADD

    My thing is gardening I love to think up unconventional ways to raise vegetables. As I get older I am always coming up with ways were it does not break my back. That and I would love to take up bowling again. Totally ADD

  • brizzzy

    Reading; writing; swing dancing; a little bit of piano. I also love thrifting and collecting vintage clothing/antique decor.

  • beksbks

    I absolutely love to cook. The challenge is to make it as tasty and sensual as it can be while still being healthy.

    Oh and gardening fits well in to that now that I have the space for it. Reading always. Playing at photography.

  • snowbird

    Reading, writing, browsing antique shops, researching history of Alabama's Black Belt ...

    So much to do, and I get to take my time doing it.


  • snowbird

    Reading, writing, browsing antique shops, researching history of Alabama's Black Belt ...

    So much to do, and I get to take my time doing it.


  • moshe

    I am full up with hobbies-

    built a large model rocket a few months back- just like when I was 10 years old, only this one goes a mile high, not 1200ft.

    Have my Ham radio license and several radios- I check in to the Jewish Ham radio club net at 8:00am

    Bike riding- I just bought a used 10speed hybrid for only $10 last month- new tires and tubes will make it good as new.

    Reading- we have a great library, with comfy leather chairs, just like Panerras. I can lose myself for hours in that place- newspapers, periodicals, books, DVDs

    Computers- still doing upgrades and helping friends out with crashes.

    Gardening- last year I built a square flower/shade arbor over my patio, it's a great spot to sit and drink a beer with my neighbors and watch the walkers on my sidewalk.

    Boats- I have several boat plans and my next adventure is to build my own plywood boat. I wanted to do this way back in 1982, but JW and family responsibilties never allowed me to do more than "think" about it. I'll post a picture when I finish it this year.

    Flying- I retired from that one in 2006 and sold my Beechcraft Musketeer.

    Motorcycles- while I have a moped in my garage, I only use it to scout out the treasures on trash pickup day. I sold my last real motorcycle in 2003. I started out with a Honda 305 scrambler in 1968.

    Astronomy- I rescued a 4" reflector telescope from repo dumpster and my daughter and I use it to observe the moon, stars, and planets.

  • moshe

    I have another potential hobby on the horizon- in another year newer technology will make this hobby more affordable- watch this electric plane fly right through the blades of an electric turbine- buzz a jogger and fly alongside a passenger train.


  • DanaBug

    Moshe, great video. My fiance's dying to get into that too. And thrift stores are awesome for bikes. We found a couple 10 speeds from another county's police department for $10. Unfortunately, they're still too big for me. I need a girl's size.

    School takes up most of my hobby time now, but I do a lot of reading, cooking, watching movies. I started making jewelry but got burnt out on it. I'm starting a worm farm soon to compost garbage and make fertilizer. I tried a garden last year but our soil's so poor we barely harvested anything. So I'm going to build some hanging gardens with milk jugs and make my own soil. I hope it works! I'm also trying to talk my fiance into building me a chicken coop. I do a lot of couponing too, guess I'd call that a hobby.

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