e-document: "Blood on Their Hands: The Story of a Hemophiliac Child in the Jehovah's Witness Cult"

by AndersonsInfo 24 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • AndersonsInfo

    This material is so important that I felt compelled to recommend it even though it costs a few dollars. While you're reading what this sick child was put through at the hands of ignorant religious zealots, I think you will feel the emotional pain and anger I did. How in the world can the Witnesses in this child's world believe that they have love for others, when by their actions, they demonstrated that they don't. It was no small thing what this child endured to stay alive with virtually no effective treatment and also psychological horror to boot from the teachings of the Witnesses indoctrinated into her as a youngster.

    The following is the blurb found at the Lulu website advertising the book:

    This is the unique story written by a hemophiliac who spent part of her childhood in a fundamentalist cult that only prohibited one type of medical treatment--the one she needed to stay alive. This first-ever critique of the church by a hemophiliac member details her experiences nearly dying for the church; how the failed 1975 apocalyptic prediction affected her treatment, and her grisly adventures trying to survive amidst kooky cultists who claimed she was a demon-possessed vampire. The price of the e-document is $4.00 to download. The link is:

    http://www.lulu.com/product/ebook/blood-on-their-hands-the-story-of-a-hemophiliac-child-in-the-jehovah%E2%80%99s-witness-cult/14960242 If you absolutely can't afford to download this material, please PM me and some of us will see to it that you get a copy. Barbara

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    The Jehovah's Witnesses' beliefs regarding the prohibition of blood transfusions becomes all the more heinous when it comes to young children, many of whom have died in furtherance of their parents' misguided beliefs. The blood transfusion prohibition is astounding in light of Jeremiah 32:35 which provides in part, "They built high places to Baal in the Valley of Ben-hinnom, and immolated their sons and daughters to Molech, bringing sin upon Judah; this I never commanded them, nor did it even enter my mind that they should practice such abomination." Here, God instructs man NOT to cause a child to be killed as a form of sacrifice to God. Clearly, sacrificing a child by denying him or her a needed blood transfusion is no different. In no way does such a denial of blood and the child's resulting death please the Almighty. It never entered God's mind.

  • Mary

    Thanks for posting that Barbara. Somewhere down the road, I'm thinking of revisiting all the notes I made and doing a short book from when my brother in law was first diagnosed, to the day he died and how the one treatment (blood transfusions) that could have easily have saved his life, was denied him. I still get a lump in my throat every time I remember sitting with him after one particularly bad doctors visit where he was told that, because he would not take the required transfusions, there was nothing more they could do for him and that he was going to die. I saw him cry for the first time in my life and I felt like screaming at the unfairness and horror of what this f*cking cult does to people.

  • Hairyhegoat

    OMG! Mary I never new this is what happened to your brother in lawMY mom had cancer and I am certain that she could have been saved by a blood transfusion or her life extended by a few months if she had been given the blood. My dad was always their and he stopped any of us talking to mom before the end came about this option. He is a jw for over 50 years now and set in his ways. I have 4 kids and he has not seen them or us in over 6 months now just because we don't go to the meetings anymore. I hope he is happy with all the money he has saved by not giving the kids any pocket money for over 6 months now. Sick old man who loves the rats at the hall more than his own family!


  • Scott77

    To hello with the Watchtower and everything it has done. This is an evil organisation. Sorry to you everyone that have lost loved ones due to refusal to accept life saving blood transfusion. Its a pain in the neck. One thing that I want to hear is a class action law suit against the Watchtower that goes back ways to the time everyone member of JW died for refusal to accept blood transfusion. To me, this is murder disguised as religion. Period.


  • jamiebowers

    Thanks for posting this Barbara. I'm marking it for later. I just don't think I can handle another jw child horror story right now, but I'm glad more and more people are coming out against the evil empire of th Watchtower.

  • dgp

    Only problem is, I wanted to download this as a PDF, marked it as a simple PDF, and the only option for download was "PDF for Adobe Digital Editions". Meaning I have to download a program and have a different file format. Not a big deal, but I wish they made this available as Epub or Kindle. I happen to own a Kindle. That was why I wanted it as a simple PDF.

  • Gayle

    I am having trouble also,,I ordered, got it, but it is not save-able to my computer,,I do not understand these technicalities. I know I can't print it, I understand that but I would have thought I could save it down in my computer? No?

  • belbab

    After much hassle I finally got it downloaded with Adobe Digital and have that icon on my desktop. To read it I can just click on it. But it seems to be unprintable.

    It is a well written article, a work of art, portraying the tragedy of a young woman from her infancy to adulthood.

    Truly the Watch Tower has Blood on its hands. The blood of innocent, helpless children.

    In the Bible it speaks of those who innocently spill blood must flee to a city of refuge and remain there for decades if necessary. If they are guilty of spilling blood they are not protected. If they do not reach the city or leave it then they are in danger of losing their lives at the hands of the Avenger of Blood.

    Figureatively, I consider myself as an avenger of blood. My aim, along with many others who read these posts, is to expose to the utmost of my abilities the guilt of WT tyrants and their adepts.

    Many times in the news we read of terrorists or blood thirsty rebels who take refuge among groups of mothers and children to protect themselves from retribution from opposing forces.

    The WT does the same thing, they brainwash their adepts with falsehood and then take refuge behind them and let the innocent die without lifting a finger.


  • dgp

    Gayle, I think it's a matter of downloading and installing Adobe Digital Editions, which is also available on the Lulu site. I'm waiting to see if the Lulu people will give me a simple PDF instead. What they give you is a link. If you have Adobe Digital Editions on your computer, the application will open that link and fetch the file. I'm waiting, however, because I want to be able to read this on Kindle OR print it.

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