"Islamaphobia is Unpatriotic"--Article With Disturbing Video

by Justitia Themis 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    I haven't read all of the article or the comments, and i apologize. However, one thing distinctly stood out to me. Pamela Geller, the name Geller, she's a Jew, correct? Something I've never quite understood is how people who have histories of being slandered, oppressed, abused, and systematically murdered, will turn around in the blink of an eye and do the exact same thing to another group of people. I've never understood that. There's a side of me that wonders if some Jews feel that they're in a competition with Arabs for the United State's sympathy card. Of course that's already being played out with the conflict amongst the Palestinians and Israelis. But, there's more to the Jew/Muslim conflict being played out in the media. When you consider some evengelical groups still believe the Jews are God's chosen people, and that some Jews are more than willing to take advantage of it, its not far fetched to say that some Jews like Pamela Geller are trying to tug at America's heart in the name of patriotism, when really its just another case of a Jew hating a Muslim. At least thats what it looks like to me on the surface.

  • DanaBug

    That's true, dgp. I know how they feel about icons and also about other faiths. I know a muslim who withdrew her donation to the community center in NY after she found out it would have chapels for other faiths. That's a problem too.

    Islam doesn't scare me any more than Christianity does. I see a lot of similarities between earlier Christianity and Islam especially in their treatment of women. But there are moderate and liberal muslims, just like in Christianity. And of course they want to convert us, just like Christians do. But this great fear that some people have about muslims, I just don't see it ever happening in this country. Extremism may not be the entire problem with Islam, there are a lot of others, but it is the problem with our fear of Islam, imo. It's like the media and politicians have an agenda to feed it. The only thing you ever hear about Islam or muslims is examples of extremism and totalitarian Middle Eastern goverments. And then people base their opinions of Muslim Americans off that, even though it's not the whole picture.

    Monotheist faiths are intolerant by virtue of their very basic belief.

    I totally agree. They have the same mindset, Christianty has had more time to tone it down. I would love to see all religions just vanish. But I can't stand to see people harassed or discriminated against because of their religion. It goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for. Thought we would have learned by now.

  • sooner7nc

    Sharia is already practiced here. So is disfellowshipping Did you know that? And I don't mean stonings and honor killings, that's enforced by Middle Eastern theocracies (and ftr, many Muslim Americans do not agree that those countries are practicing Sharia, that's the way it's interpreted by those backwards governments). If they happen here, they are punished because it violates the laws of our country. Sharia encompasses what foods they eat, where they invest money, how they marry and divorce, how they're buried, how to pray, etc. It's very similar to Jewish law, and no one makes a stink about that anymore. Think about this, muslims have lived in this country for how long? During that time they've always practiced sharia. How has it affected you? How has shunning and the blood issue and myriad other JW teachings affected Mr. Joe Average?

    If it's wrong it's wrong.

  • sooner7nc

    I don't see how former members of a high control group can, with a clear conscience, defend another high control group. As they say in Texas and Oklahoma "You guys don't know your ass from a hole in the ground."

  • DanaBug

    Because it's their right, sooner. I don't defend their religion, I defend their right to live here and not be harassed because they're muslim. Just like I would defend JWs being harassed like that.

  • sooner7nc

    Yes, they have a right to worship any way that they see fit. I also have the right to call BullShit on them. If it's in public, too bad.

  • sooner7nc

    V: Where are our resident Tea Scum Bag apologists?

    B: But this is America, 2011 and we are supposed to be better than this.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I posted on a thread with extremely revolting and juvenile language. Basically, I am a New Yorker who lived downtown Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Many Moslems died in the rubble. Moslem firemen and policemen died. Radical Moslems are not a threat to anyone any more than Pat Robertson is a threat. Radical Moslems may be American citizens. Whoever started the other thread was not looking to convince or press rational thought. Rather, it was a provocation to all of us who value America. The only threat to my civil liberties and way of life comes not from Al-Qaeda. Let Al-Qaeda take all of downtown, including my neighborhood. Americans will repopulate. Our rights and way of life can only be compromised by sacrificing our freedoms in hysterial reaction to Al-Qaeda. They cannot stop American values by blowing up things. Rather, their game is for us to blow ourselves up in some hysterial overreaction.

    Arguing is exactly what the poster wants. He does not care about "Islamists." His game is controversy and provocation. We have all fed the beast. Jest and ignoring him are better tonics for what ails him. Tonight, I am rereading C.S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters, a book on Satan, written from the viewpoint of one demon to another younger demon. I submit ignoring the posts is the way to stop the posts.

  • beksbks

    V: Where are our resident Tea Scum Bag apologists?

    B: But this is America, 2011 and we are supposed to be better than this.

    Come now Sooner, there's a difference between internet forum insults, and being harassed in public because of your religion. In a free country that is supposed to be tolerant of ALL religions. Personally I don't give a shit what anyone does in the name of thier dumbass religions (and they all are), as long as they don't try to inflict it on me. Right now christians are definitely the number one losers on that score.

  • villabolo

    Beksbks: "Right now christians are definitely the number one losers on that score."

    As I posted above, there are quite a few Christian terrorist groups in the US. And they have already shed blood.


    PS: Beks you got email .

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