What will the excuse be?!?

by brotherdan 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    The end came in 1914 as CT russel predicted...We just haven't got the memo yet ;-)

  • Ding

    OBVES already has given us 2034 as a back-up date.

    When someone announces a specific date, the TV interviewer should get them to commit that IF their prediction doesn't come to pass, the prognosticator will come on the show the day after the predicted date, look the audience in the eye and say, "I was wrong. I made a fool of myself. Don't listen to false prophets."

    If they won't commit to do that, the interviewer should say, "You don't really believe it yourself then. We don't either."

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    New Light

  • designs

    Move over Fred Franz someone else is coming to dinner.....

  • zoiks

    The spirits of William Miller and Charles Russell kidnapped Jesus and locked Him in a sauna with Fred Franz.

    When Freddy finally runs out of batsh*t crazy stuff to tell Jesus, it'll be around 2034. Just in time, too!

  • pirata

    Sure, we were wrong, but it just shows our EAGER EXPECTATION, proof that we are the Lord's true people!

  • Scarlouie

    I am trying to catch up with all of this and have not stayed educated. Who is Harold Camping? He predicted an exact date for armagedon?

  • WontLeave

    I doubt Harold gives a whit (not a typo; it's a real word) about whether his prediction comes true. He's probably selling a bunch of whatever it is cult leaders sell. Plus, he's like 300 years old, so a lot he cares about people seeing him for the charlatan he is.

    Or he could take a lesson from the Watchtower and blame everybody who believed him. Or, he could take a lesson from the Watchtower and claim some Emperor's New Clothes thing like Jesus' presence starting in 1914 - after all, the parousia is obvious to them; can't you see it too? Or he can take a lesson from the Watchtower and just say the world ended in God's eyes, like Christendom "fell" in 1918. Or, he could take a lesson from the Watchtower (I'm sensing a pattern here) and quietly sweep it under the rug for a few decades, get new recruits that have never heard about the 2011 debacle, forbid them to read anything that might expose them to his 2011 prediction, vilify and excommunicate anyone who does find out about it, and move on as if he'd never said anything about 2011. Or, he could take a lesson from the Watchtower and say the world did end in 2011, but the newspapers are wrong because Satan has blinded their minds and you should only listen to what the Bible chronology (read "he") says and it (once again, "he") says the world ended, so just get used to it and stop asking stupid questions, because you're probably only confused and angry because you died and went to Hell and your eternal punishment will be kicking yourself for being a lemming moron.

  • Listener

    We were just testing you to see if you were awake up to the fact that no-one knows the 'day nor the hour'. As we personally truelly believe this we give you a stark reminder to heed this as the bible says there will be many false prophets in our time. So don't fall into this trap again.

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