Scriptural Separation

by Earnest 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher
    ...they actually usurp the God-given principle of headship in the family.

    This is so true. Extending it a bit farther, when one mate or the other is disfellowshipped, the WT's rules on the matter are: there is to be NO spiritual discourse between mates. In other words, the husband cannot direct his wife in a spiritual matter.

    So either the organization/congregation STEPS IN to fill the void left by the fact that the husband is not or cannot be directing his wife/family spiritually, or else nobody directs the family spiritually, and they go to ruin that way.

    In this sense, the disfellowshipping arrangement and its corollary rule about "no spiritual contact" is a direct assault on the marriage arrangement. (I know from personal experience, it led in part to the dissolution of my marriage.) It can be compared to a slow, steady castration of a man (in a spiritual sense).


    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • Earnest

    I had never realised the effect disfellowshipping would have on the principle of headship and spiritual provision for the family. I can understand the difficulties that arise when apostasy is involved as it is difficult to know where to draw the line. For example, if apostasy includes Devil worship I cannot believe God expects the family to follow the man's lead in spiritual matters. On the other hand, if the spiritual lead includes love for God and neighbour it is clearly contrary to scripture to hamper it. This again demonstrates the harm wrought in making rules where none exist.

    In the discussion that I had with the CO, as related in the first post, I specifically mentioned the ease with which #3 could be abused by those who wished to separate without good cause. He agreed with me and emphasized that "any Christians who do separate must bear personal responsibility for that action and should realize that all of us will render an account to Jehovah". I am appalled that separation is condoned on such pretexts and agree that God will judge such attacks on that most basic unit.


    "Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandernatch!" - Rev. Charles Dodgson

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