Nook E-Reader And Jehovah's Witnesses

by lovelylil 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Hey everyone,

    I got a Nook E-Reader last xmas from my hubby due to my love of reading and lack of space for books. Anyway, have been reading mostly James Patterson books on it when I got bored today and decided to do a search on it............typed in Jehovah's Witnesses and got these titles available to be downloaded totally FREE.

    Thats right, FREE!

    Jehovah by Judge Rutherford (1934)

    Jehovah's Witnesses and the New World Order by Marley Cole

    Inside Story of Jehovah's Witnesses by W.C. Stevenson

    The Gospel according to Jehovah's Witnesses by John Francis Coffey

    Other books available too and a lot of old convention reports from the 30's, 40's and 50's. Downloaded these for now but my battery went dead. Will do more later.

    Don't know if these are available free on other e-readers but wanted to let everyone know. Its worth a try...........Peace, Lilly

  • ProdigalSon

    Sounds like a great feast of "spiritual food" lovelylil! (I always found that term quite nauseating)

    I would definitely be interested in adding them to my reading queue.

  • lovelylil

    I just got a few convention reports too. One is from 1939 called "Messenger Convention report of Jehovah's Witnesses". I am charging my Nook right now. This is the reader Barnes & Nobles puts out. They have the Nook color now and its not too expensive. Will eventually get that one and give my old one to one of my kids.


  • dgp

    Please check, where they have many other books about Jehovah's witnesses, in several formats.

  • dgp

    For example, they have this:

    Jehovah's Witness and Watchtower Doctrine Analysis

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Thank you Lovelylil. I'll check it out. I have a Nook and I love it. I have a question for you about the Nook. Do you know how to post on the JWN from it? I can read my emails and send emails from it but I haven't figured out how to post anything on the JWN from it. When hit "submit" it goes through but the problem is it won't allow me to type anything and God knows there are hundreds maybe even thousands of people waitiing for my next comment.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I think they made a marketing error when choosing the name: nookie reader.

  • wobble

    Hopefully this sort of thing will wake up more people, especially younger ones, Mom and dad will be happy they are reading educational stuff, not realising what is available.

    Eventually the WT will warn against the dangers of this, but of course by then another techie invention will have popped up to haunt them.

    The WT has a huge problem, the truth is out there, and it is so so easy to access, pity they haven't put CoC and Captives of a Concept on there.

  • finallysomepride

    I purchased a Kobo ereader, but not keen on any JW stuff, I'm sticking with scifi, not fantasy LOL

  • teel

    I have a Kindle, but due to copyright restrictions for my country there are very few ebooks I can get for free from Amazon. I tried in the browser to set the country to US, but still no free ebooks with the search term "Jehovah", only a bunch of $0.99 ones - including this weird book: Cotton. A lambs tail (Cotton. for jehovah's witnesss children): "Here is a story for all the little lambs that are being raised in the truth as one of Jehovah's witnesses. Cotton is a lamb who goes to the kingdom hall and sets a fine example for our young ones".

    However if any of you feels inclined to write his/her story, or anything JW related, Amazon has a great platform to publish your book for free. It's a great way to spread the "truth about the truth".

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