Middle East unrest just another excuse to hike up oil prices

by callitquits76 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • callitquits76

    I heard from an American friend that gas prices were at record highs over in the States. They had just paid $3.34 for a gallon of gas, which, here in Britain, is remarkably cheap.

    Doing the maths;

    1 Gallon = 4.5 litres
    $3.34 = £2.06 British pounds
    We pay £1.31 per Litre,
    £1.31 x 4.5 litres = £5.89 British pounds

    If the States had British gas prices, it would be $9.5 dollars per Gallon

    In the UK, the government puts 'fuel tax' onto every litre of petrol brought, totaling currently 58.95 pence per litre (almost a dollar per litre)

    Now we are hearing that unrest in Libya will result in another hike in oil, and people just cant afford it. Are these riots really the result of people 'having enough' and 'wanting democracy', or rather the result of whispers in the dark to try to whip up public unrest? It's happened before

  • villabolo


    "Now we are hearing that unrest in Libya will result in another hike in oil, and people just cant afford it. Are these riots really the result of people 'having enough' and 'wanting democracy', or rather the result of whispers in the dark to try to whip up public unrest? It's happened before"

    Sam Whiskey, is that you?


  • VampireDCLXV

    Sam Whiskey? I could swear that it's cameo-d...


  • callitquits76

    I know, I know, its a conspiracy theory and probably nonsense. The first part is ok though, right? Please??? Anybody??? lol

  • slimboyfat

    Yeah people in brutal regimes with no human rights who can no longer afford bread... all they care about is pushing up oil prices for middle class Americans. You can't get them to talk about anything else.

  • WTWizard

    Here's the deal. In 1971, gas was 32.9 cents a gallon and silver was $1.29. Today, gas is $3.40 a gallon and silver is $33.28 an ounce (and bouncing off its daily 10:00 low). This places gas at 25.5 "silver pennies" per ounce (a "silver penny" is 1/100 ounce of silver). Today, gas is 10.21 silver pennies, or roughly 40% of what it was in 1971.

    Now try telling me that the Middle East problems are driving up gas prices (and corn, wheat, cotton, oil, copper, gold, silver, and meat). What this tells me is that the dollar is becoming the toilet paper dollar. The Middle East "crisis" is simply the trigger that allows them to pass the price increase to the customer. At today's silver price, the fair price of gas is closer to $8.48 6/10 per gallon.

  • d

    My English Professor told our class that if the unrest continues gas prices could really spike.It is bad enough gas here in CT is already $3.48

  • flipper

    CALLITQUITS- I agree. It's an excuse for the oil companies to raise oil prices. Precisely. The powermonger companies of America never let a good crisis go to waste. Ridiculous

  • villabolo


    "Are these riots really the result of people 'having enough' and 'wanting democracy', or rather the result of whispers in the dark to try to whip up public unrest?"

    Callitquits, prices are going to skyrocket anyways due to Peak Oil which is due in several years.

    Furthermore, as I've indicated in other threads, the unrest in the Middle East was sparked by spiraling food prices. Those food prices are the result of massive crop damage throughout the world due to extreme weather. Since such extreme weather is here to stay and escalate, so will the disruptions continue and get worse as well as expanding throughout the world.


    The situation will worsen in ranking order of poverty, India is already effected and it's situation has no direct relevance to the Middle East.

    Whispers in the dark


  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Oil and Gas ebb with supply and demand. Why don't we complain that Bill Gates is a greedy SOB? We all have to buy Windows, Gates is worth roughly $40Bil.

    Regarding the comment that we about to hit peak oil, not true. There is enough oil in Canada's oil sands alone to produce 179B barrels. Saudi's have 240B barrels in the ground, and that's just naming two areas, there are lots more. Fact is, we have more oil now than ever before.

    Why do people tell us that we're hitting peak oil output? Reading too many fictional stories....


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