I got turned down for a bible study!

by frigginconfused 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I loved the way you reasoned. That was so great, I wish I could talk the way you did, it sounded great. You did more good than probably know.


  • brotherdan
    You have been judged by a door to door minister as unworthy of salvation.

    I wouldn't say that. I think that this guy did his research and figured that he had no argument. I really think that he just may have realized that frigginconfused...was not so frigginconfused after all!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I always realized that the people at the doors had points, valid ones. I understood clearly what they meant and were trying to explain.

    That is why I sucked badly at the ministry. I couldn't convince anyone of anything, even when reading the KM presentation word for word.

    Well done, Frig!

    I often wondered why we didn't call the people on the phone first to make sure they'd be there for the study.

  • frigginconfused

    Thanks for all the positive comments.

    If God wanted me to start up with them again I would have a study. So Im off the hook. lol.

    But the whole reason I posted this is I have never heard of them turning down a bible study ever! I feel pretty good about that.

  • sabastious
    Check, and mate!

    As I can see.

    Great work standing up for logic!


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I went door to door at a very young age. Of course, I always went with my mom. Around eight, I was supposed to do the presentation. I so much wanted to please everybody. Every little bit was memorized. If someone announced they were a religious denomination and said it smugly, I was trounced.

    Many people have told me I question too much and that I am bright, a bad trait.

    Very well done. You won the debate. It doesn't matter that it wasn't drawn out or over an important doctrinal message. You showed the thought control. The arrogance involved with educated Witnesses. I don't know how to treat individual witnesses respectfully. They deserve it. The beliefs they parrot are not their own. I just get so angry. When I snap, I feel bad. When I tread lightly, I feel I did not articulate my viewpoint well. Something in me just wants to shame them.

    I doubt if they struggle similarly in their rush to condemn me. Think as I do or else. Twelve Step programs say their members take hostages in relationships. The Witnesses do this.

  • Perry

    Jehovah's Witnesses worship a corporation. Whatever that corporation says, to them it is ultimate truth. This is idoatry in the fullest sense of the meaning. Jesus said, I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life - no man cometh unto the father but by me. Yet, they refer to the corporation as "The Truth" hijacking a title of God.

    Another passage: Let God be True, though every man be found a liar.

    John 17: 3 - Your word is truth.

    Jesus is the Word, the Word is Truth, the Word is Jesus. To a JW it doesn't matter if the word says - plural "nails" as opposed to: singular "nail" . The important thing is that the bible disagrees with the depictions of the instrument of death for Jesus in the pages of the Watchtower.

    And, because the bible is at odds with the "word" of THEIR god, it is rejected. Another more practical reason for the rank and file, is that a lot of JW's feel special and superior just by being oddballs.

  • callitquits76

    Nice job brother

  • Ding

    Years ago, JWs enjoyed sparring with householders who were willing to stand up for their own beliefs.

    Today, it seems that if the HH puts up any real defense of their position many JWs simply leave and kick the dust off their feet as they go.

  • strymeckirules

    or maybe the jdubs should get a section written in the "conversation stoppers"(reasoning book?) on how to respond to all the touchy subjects.

    i was a cocky witness. i hoped someone would challange my faith on a door step. so i went online and researched "how to stump a jw at your door". nobody was gonna stump me!! then i learned what we all know now and i left.

    i was sure they were right until someone made me think.

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