by Hairyhegoat 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    Neither Saul nor David was a priest.

    Can you prove this?

  • WTWizard

    The light gets even brighter. What Jesus wanted was for each of us to lead ourselves, not be led by an organization. (Remarkably, this is exactly what Satan wanted.) And, to do this, one must be open to both sides of every major issue. One must look at health, finances, and career from all possible aspects. Is it wise to go to college now, or is tuition in a bubble? (And would it be worth the debt). Look at it from all sides--will you get a job that can pay the debt, is it going to be cheaper in a few years, or will you be able to pay your debt back in worthless dollars while you are making money in silver and gold? And, are you getting value from college equal to or greater than the cost? Right now, college degrees are practical necessities because everyone else has them, but tuition is in a bubble that could pop in a few years. On the other hand, $200,000 in debt now, when the dollar is soon to become worthless thanks to Bernanke, is better than 200 ounces of silver (or 12 of gold) that will never become worth any less.

    Problem is, you yourself must find the light. You cannot rely on any organization that might be self serving, and especially one that claims to have all the answers. They might give you the right advice but for the wrong reason (no college but because you should be pio-sneering, not no college because the money would be better invested in inflation proof investments and later invested in college once the mess clears up). When this happens, the advice could go out of date because the real reason could disappear, but the "Your time is better spent in field circus" is still there. And this goes with just about everything else.

    And, another good question. Do they give you any practical advice to help survive the debacle they claim is coming? So the end is coming. What are you supposed to do to get ready? Or, you are supposed to be bringing in others. What are they supposed to do? And, what happens if everyone does "come in"? What are they going to do then? If you can't get clear answers, something is wrong. At least those "sensational" and "conspiracy" blogs and videos give you a definitive answer or several definitive answers (aside warning others). They do not agree with each other, and some of them are bound to give you unnecessary or misleading information. But, you can cross-reference them, and make your own decision as to what to do. And, if you find new development, you can change course. Try that with the Washtowel and see how long it takes to be marched into the back room.

  • wobble

    Exactly Moshe, the next step should be "O.K let's examine this "Truth" shall we ?"

    Of course most JW's know deep down that it will not stand up to any scrutiny, so side-stepping tactics are used, anything rather than examine their "truth" head on, in the light of what the Bible actually says and in the light of proven facts. 607BCE anyone ?

    It was the mis-use of Proverbs 4v18, taking it completely out of context, no way does it speak of understanding scripture etc. it is simply talking about a righteous man's conscience being honed as he goes through life, this mis-use prompted me to examine a lot of the beliefs.

    The problem is that they repeat it so many times,as in the lying article above, that it goes in to the sub-conscious of JW's and they actually believe that is how god works, keeping things hidden until he decides to reveal it to the GB.

    What nonsense.

  • nugget

    I thought there was light at the end of the tunnel but it was some elder with a torch bringing me more work.

  • punkofnice

    Prov 4:18 + Matt 24:45 = Obey the Governing Body (a secular business title), of Jehovah’s Witnesses or get shunned by your loved ones.


    Prov 4:18 + Matt 24:45 = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Using non connected, out of context scripures to prop up the lie that it's a religion when it's just a big business.

  • designs
  • hasmat

    Oh my gosh! I'm wiping the tears off my eyes ~ You people are making me laugh so hard!!!!!

    I need to hang out here more often.

  • hasmat

    Isaiah 28: 13-

    "And the word of Jehovah was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little: that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken"

    Sound familiar?

  • factfinder

    I am so sick of their constantly telling us to have a positive attitude towards all of their refinements. If it were true it would not need any refinements.

    I agree with you 100% Hairyhegoat.

    The witnesses must be having problems with the new generation teaching, etc.

    The Wt just keeps shoving it down our throats in every issue: we represent Jehovah and Jesus. Everything we say is true. Keep having a positive attitude as we keep changing our minds on what is true and keep accepting EVERYTHING we publish and teach you as TRUE.

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