Shots fired at Jehovah's Witnesses hall

by Kent 30 Replies latest jw friends


    My first thought was 'windows' and I see I wasn't the only one.
    Do you guys and dolls see a KH remodeling coming on?


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Of all lthe weapons in his infernal armory, Satan the Devil, Lord of Darkness, chooses to attack the Kingdom Hall with a friggin' BB gun?

    I suppose all the AC130 gunships were tied up in Afghanistan.

    TR had a good idea - paintballs - but what's wrong with a good old-fashioned egging?

  • Gopher

    This hall (that was shot at) contains 2 English and 1 Spanish-speaking congregation. It is in a residential neighborhood -- a bunch of houses in a row, then voila! a Kingdom Hall on the corner. It's in a very middle-income area of the West Side of St. Paul.

    Back in the 1970's, there was a similar incident at the North Minneapolis Kingdom Hall, located in an older (low-to-middle income) neighborhood. The windows were shot out. They DID replace their windows with boards. It looked quite ugly, but it stayed that way until the hall had its fire in 1996 and they moved out to the suburbs.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • betweenworlds


    Don't like the the JW religion, but people shooting at the KH sux!


    Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity. Lord Acton 1834-1902

  • Ranchette


    I was thinking the same thing which is why I have come to the conclusion this was probably a childish prank not really motivated by much anger.
    If real anger was the intent you would think they would choose something more damaging than a couple of holes in a window from a BB gun.



    BB gun shots! By the time the JWs get through with this story it will be as big as the 'shot that was heard around the world'. Persecution, Perscution , Perscution!


  • idaho

    at this posts, although they are malicous

    Since we do not know the details, how can we be sure that
    the shoots were fired from the outside. Perhaps it was someone
    trying to get out? Or can it be a new "spiritual" weapon
    that this "sotans" are planing to use?
    (Even here they're have lousy aim lol@jan)


  • Reborn2002

    Houses, vehicles and other forms of private property are vandalized everyday.

    This case boils down to two possible scenarios.

    One- It was someone who most held a specific grudge against JW and got their rocks off by shooting out windows with a BB gun. A minor criminal offense, so obviously they held no intentions of doing severe damage.


    Two- Like many other cases of vandalism played out by teens (Id be willing to wager that 90% of cases like this with a BB gun it is a minor or someone in their early-twenties) it was a random selection of a place to shoot. It just so happened to be a KH.

    A few years ago in my hometown some kids took a joyride and shot out car windows and house windows on a few neighboring blocks, thinking it was cute. This could be the same situation here.

    But, I have to agree with SUSCARRA, by the time this story is done playing out the JW writers will put a spin on it so it will be used as part of a program for a Convention that "despite being persecuted under gunfire, the JW press on with the Good News of the Kingdom"
    That thought sickens me.

    The true Kingdom of God is located in your heart, not an organization of hypocrites. for my new webpage and info!! Im trying to live now!!

  • anewperson

    the "child" drove a car, so was it done by a child? about a year or two go there was a smilar case where a neighborhood teenaged girl on a bike was caught. such is truly sad just as it is when people put super glue in a hall's door keyhole, leave carpet tacks in the parking lot, phone order a load of gravel for the parking lot though it was not wanted, so on. terrible let all renounce such wrongs!! they do have and huge impact but are negative. better is to lovingly peacefully distribute the real truth in leaflets etc. maybe someone was angry that their child or friend was sexually molested? is that hall noted for such secrets? but then since the coverup policy is from brooklyn top down i guess potentially all the halls are into cover up secrets. oh, no, no. we need to ask our jw friends and relatives to be extra carefully going door to door!!! as someone said this might be just a beginning. let's pray not, pray for peace!

  • BluesBrother

    B W is right, it could have been nasty. But... you cant help

    Reminds me of a bloke I knew who was so tee'd off because his best mate was studying that he broke into the hall and did a good vandalism job. Trouble was that the brothers talked him around ,he studied and, guess what? last I heard he was a ministerial servant!
    True story.

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