Are ALL religious ideas TRUE?

by brotherdan 68 Replies latest jw experiences

  • frigginconfused

    All religions have truth. Some more than others. Why would a person follow something blatently false?

    The problem is people cling to the first thing that moves their hearts and close their minds to truth. Especially the JW's. Try to talk to them about the truths in buddism. I feel without some of the things buddah said, a person can never get to know his true self. Or try to explain the many health benifits of yoga to a JW. You would think you were asking them to sacrifice babies to satan. lol.

    Jesus said seek and you shall find. And the truth will set you free.

    Seek truth everywhere. Never close your mind. Always be open to new ways of thinking. This is the nature of our relationship with God. Be prepared for endless waves of transformation.

  • PSacramento
    But I would like to ask you, since you seem to be one of the most balanced and reasonable Christians on these forums, do you belong to a church? And if so, are there people who think the same as you? I found that almost none do as far as my views on gays, abortion, etc, but again, I have anecdotal which is not enough to make a ruling.

    While I aprreciate the kind words, I am as intolerant as everyone else, unfortuntely, but I try my best to see that I am and try to do better.

    In other words I try NOT to be a hypocrit and I think that is the first step for us all.

    I do NOT belong to a church though I have gone to my parents KH and to the local RCC church, not to mention someother churches in my area, I have found God in all those places, in the faces of all those that love and I have also found things that break Christ's heart, but such is the state we live in.

    I judge no one for as my lord put it clearly to me, I am fit to judge no one.

    I do NOT judge Gays because it seems that it is NOT a lifestyle choice ( which I disagree with if it was) but that they are born that way and if so, we are all God's children and all have God's love and as such, all are deserving of Love from another Human.

    Abortion, for me, can't be a form of birth control, but I do see it as an option under the case of rape.

    Life is precious to me, all life ( it wasn't always so) and with life comes love and I believes that ALL are entitled to LIFE and to LOVE, that in THESE two things - respect for life and living for love- we find god.

  • sabastious

    What kind of thread title is "Are ALL religious ideas true?"

    Blatent setup title, imo :)


  • yourmomma

    PSac, Seems like you and me are on the same page. Thats good, glad im not the only one. lol

  • PSacramento
    PSac, Seems like you and me are on the same page. Thats good, glad im not the only one. lol

    Hope you have thick skin, cause that means you are target of BOTH Fundamentalist groups:

    Convervative Christians AND Atheists !
    LOL !

  • yourmomma

    oh I know, lol.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Psac and YM, as a nontheist who floats between deism and pragmatic agnosticism, I'd like to say that if all Christians were like you guys, I personally wouldn't feel the need to pull out the Bible's dirty laundry.

    I like that we can agree to disagree and I don't have to fear your ideals will be trampling on my rights and those of my children if you or those who share your views hold the majority vote and/or are elected to public office.

    Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for fundamentalist Christianity or any other dogmatic religion.

  • PSacramento

    because of your kind words, I though you might liek this:

  • yourmomma

    SweetBabyCheezits, i dont mind if you bring that stuff up about the Bible, its real, and its there. thats a good point about the people in office, i wish religion would be kept seperate like the founding fathers wanted it to be. (If you take what they wrote in context and not watchowerize it like Glenn Beck) I never understood, even when I was a JW that if a Christian felt as though being gay was wrong, why does everyone else have to believe that? And furthermore, why the hell would you make a law that FORCES gays, OF ALL FRIGGIN PEOPLE to agree with it? How is that any different from a muslim getting into office and banning alcohol because the Koran states its wrong? Its madness.

    I have a kid now, and I read all the time about how Christian fundy's want to make insane laws like the extreme personhood bullcrap they are trying to pass. Im scared what will happen if these nuts get power. They'll be executing people who pull out like Onan. lol

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