Though it is contradictory in some ways because God has already commanded them to become fruitful.
In our Bibles that appears to be the case, yes. The sentence you refer to appears in Gen 1:28. However, there are two different myths in the first chapters of Genesis. One, the most famous one, is Genesis 1:1 to 2:2. The second creation account in Genesis (the oldest) begins in 2:3. Note the change from Elohist to Yahwist from verse 3. I sometimes suspect the guy who redacted these together had some sense of humour.
In the second account, we find no command to be fruitful. Indeed, quite the opposite.
This is actually not the only example of Yahwew being jealous of human sexuality. One can speculate that the religious command to cut a tip of every man's penis is related to the idea that when humans procreate, they in fact infringe on a divine activity, and have to "pay the price" for that.
Recommended reading: Jack Miles: God -- A Biography.
- Jan
The believer is happy. The doubter is wise.