That's the Most Thing I've Seen in the History of Wrestling!

by WhatAboutWatson 10 Replies latest social physical

  • WhatAboutWatson

    I have been a wrestling fan ever since I was a child. I have tried to break out of it but I simply can't. I like others get annoyed when I hear "wrestling is fake" and all the typical negative critisms it receives. But when that comment is brought up I say, "so is everything else on television." which leaves them at a stand still.

    This video though shows one of the very entertaining sides of wrestling. The average person will probably watch this and consider it a joke. And yes I can see the argument. But what they don't see that: It's all in good fun. The Ophidian Portal(team who performs the hypnosis) are very well known for their work in Chikara.

    But give this video a chance.

  • PSacramento

    Drugs....they rot your brain.

  • miseryloveselders

    I used to be a huge fan of wrestling but as I've gotten older its lost its magic to me. Part of why I quit watching it was the WWE was getting too racy for my liking. Too many inappropriate sex references, especially considering much of their audience are underage kids. Kids not even knee high pointing to their genitals and yelling, "suck it!" I'll pass.

    I have fond memories of the old days though with The Road Warriors, Greg The Hammer Valentine, Rick Flair, Razor Ramone......too many to name. The golden years of wrestling.

    I don't knock people who enjoy it, even if is fake. So what if its fake, like you said everything on TV is fake so quit pointing the finger. Some pretentious woman criticizing you for watching wrestling, while she's hooked on Law and Order, gotta love it.

  • PSacramento
    I have fond memories of the old days though with The Road Warriors, Greg The Hammer Valentine, Rick Flair, Razor Ramone......too many to name. The golden years of wrestling.

    Different times, different era...

    Mr. Wonderful, Powers of Pain, the Machines, LOL !, the british bull dogs, even before that, Andre the Giant and his battles with killer khan !

    LMAO !!

    Good times.

  • brotherdan

    Wow...people are entertained by the most bizarre things sometimes...

  • miseryloveselders

    Killer Khan? I don't remember him. I loved the British Bulldogs, and Mr. Wonderful. I was a big fan of the Bushwhackers too, they were crazy.

  • WhatAboutWatson

    I'm not huge on the current landscape of wrestling at the moment. WWE rarely have any great moments anymore. Whilst I still watch their product despite trying to find something else on TV I just find myself hooked. Don't get me wrong, most of what they have been putting out is absolutely ridiculous.

    In fact, I've been so displeased with current mainstream wrestling I've over the last few years have turned to Puro(Japanese wrestling) and independents.

  • brotherdan

    Don't you guys realize that this is violent entertainment?!? Just like that football,soccer, hockey, and croquet!

    Monsters...all of you!

  • PSacramento

    Google Killer Khan, you may remeber him, he broke Ander the Giants leg.

    The great Kabuki, remember him?

    Sweet Ebony Diamond, Waho McDaniels, damn...memories

  • WhatAboutWatson

    This company specificially in which this happenstance occured dan makes their money off that. They're purposely violent and "hardcore". That's their audience. I am far from a fan of the product they produce and sell.

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