"The single most dangerous thing in the world to be, right now, is a Christian in a Muslim country."

by leavingwt 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento

    While religion CAN be used by the minority to create gaps between people, as BTS has shown, it is also what brings people together.

    Regardless of which path we have chosen to come to God, it is still God Our God, the Same God.

    There is a universal truth in almost all religions and it is our similarities that we need to focus on and not the differences.

  • undercover
    Regardless of which path we have chosen to come to God, it is still God Our God, the Same God.
    There is a universal truth in almost all religions and it is our similarities that we need to focus on and not the differences.

    Nice words. Good words. But naive.

    There are too many people who don't accept that notion that are willing to kill to prove that their god is better than your god.

    The single most dangerous thing in the world is a religious zealot with weapons of mass destruction...

  • james_woods
    The single most dangerous thing in the world is a religious zealot with weapons of mass destruction...

    Maybe we should simplify that to just say -

    "The single most dangerous thing in the world is a religious zealot"

    OR - just -

    "The single most dangerous thing in the world is a zealot"

  • undercover
    "The single most dangerous thing in the world is a zealot"

    Yea, much more succinct...

    Thank you

  • PSacramento

    "The single most dangerous thing in the world is a zealot"

    Well Said James.

    The 20th and 21st centuries to date have shown us the dangers of Zealots and that they come from everywhere.

    Religion certainly doesn't have a monoploy on them, no ideology has.

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