Did you ever know of a elder wanting montary comp for doing a sheparding visit?

by highdose 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • highdose

    I knew an elder who would help and support those in the cong, but in return he expected some kind of compensation such as: goods brought for him or his family, services given for free etc.

    This elder had a working class job but lived a very middle class life style because of this unspoken arrangement. Great holidays, new cars and his wife was very much the queen bee of the cong. Hardly wore the same thing twice and delighted in patronising the other sisters who she considered beaneath her. I've written about her before on here, i refered to her as the elderette who farted chanel no 5.

    If you dared refuse this arrangement then all help and support stopped. The elder would not even speak to you! When he saw you coming he would walk in the other direction, you would be sent off on your own in the FS ( and no it didn't matter that you were a young woman being sent down a lonely counrty lane on your own!) and if your husband was beating you black and blue, he didn't care anymore///

    Am i the only one who has encountered this?

    By the way, the elder is now the COBOE in the same cong, the elderette still the queen bee.

  • cantleave

    No never. But it doesn't surprise that some have tried it on.

  • blondie

    Never, I have known of some who wanted special treatment to recommend brothers for "privileges." And what about the CO/DO green handshakes.

  • alanv

    Most elders really believe that they are doing what is required of them, so I think it would be very rare for one of them to want some reward

  • s0rt3d

    In the village that I once served in there was an elder sort of like that. He was the PO. Loved to eat and you'd win his favor if you fed him. He was especially nice to those who would be able to do him favors - let him use the car, give him or his family lifts, run errands for him - you get the pic.

    He was falsely humble and loved the power his position gave him: he'd use it as an excuse to pry into your and other's affairs and seemed to want to find dirt on people so he could 'beat' them in private meetings and from the platform. (Guess it made him feel more 'holy' and righteous, good about himself.) He'd pop in unannounced at people's homes - hoping, I think, to catch them 'out' or maybe get a free meal. He excused his behaviour by calling it 'caring for the flock,' showing an interest in them.

    He was smug and loved to criticize other elders, find fault with them. If you were too friendly with those whom he disliked you could be sure he'd try to make you unhappy. If you were a bro. you got no 'decent' parts in the meetings, if any at all. He frustrated the hell out of one Special Pioneer elder that was sent to help out as he wasn't given any responsible parts on the meeting for weeks!

    Remember those service meeting parts that were to be used just for addressing the needs of your own congregation? He'd tailor those talks to target members of the Cong. who crossed him. Small cong. You couldn't help but know who he was talking about. In one case I know of he'd been untrue (lied) about the person he targeted but I couldn't - didn't? - want to believe it: he was an elder, the PO, in good standing.... Later I found out he really had lied! From the platform too!!!

    Anyway, to get back to topic, he didn't outright ask for money but did expect to rewarded materially.

  • acolytes

    Never.... they only wanted my heart,mind and soul....I didnt realise they had redeeming qualities i wasnt aware of. (God bless them)


  • Botzwana

    Yes I had one do it to me. I had sinned greatly and a brother was trying to help me but he wasn't an Elder. I said I would only confess to a certain Elder that I trusted. So this man drove over and met with us at a restaurant. We all ate and I told him the story. At the end he said I had to buy him dinner because he drove all that way. Prick!

  • jay88

    You must live in the sticks! Are there no other Cong. to go to?

  • brotherdan

    I DO know that bethellites expect handouts. If you've ever gotten a yearbook in the mail before it gets to the congregation, that is basically a bethellite saying, "Please, sir, can you give me some money? I can't live on this meagerly wage."

    The Watchtower doesn't even send out the books for free for bethellites. The bethellite has to pay for the shipping. So they are hoping that from the 10 or so that they send out, someone will be so kind as to send them some money.

    No one ever sent me money. Not even my parents. They thought, "Jehovah is taking good care of him."

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