Today's Lesson (Too funny)

by iamwhoiam 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • iamwhoiam

    WT 12/15 2010 Koolaid Edition p. 11 paragragh 17

    "Rather than feel frustrated or discouraged because Jehovah's day seems to be delayed, we should be glad that there is still time for us to be zealous for true worship."

    Since the future and the past do not exist except as concepts in the now, than how can knowing what is to come even possible?

  • Ding
    "Rather than feel frustrated or discouraged because Jehovah's day seems to be delayed, we should be glad that there is still time for us to be zealous for true worship."

    It sounds like the writer is trying to convince HIMSELF of this.

    It also indicates that they are getting feedback that a number of JWs ARE frustrated and discouraged that all the WT predictions of doomsday have failed.

    The comment itself doesn't make sense, even in Watchtowerspeak.

    Will JWs no longer be able to be "zealous for true worship" in the new system?

    Of course, the message is clear: "Stop complaining and do MORE for the organization or you won't make it into the new system."

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    so glad to not think like that any more! live life to the full

  • WTWizard

    Be glad that you have more time to waste serving the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger--that's the message.

  • therevealer

    It should say "Rather than feel frustrated or discouraged because (what we said over and over) regarding Jehovah's day seems to be delayed.

  • wobble

    "Zealous for true worship" should translate in the Dubs mind to "zealous for field Service" which of course they won't have in the New System, apart from bringing the resurrected ones up to date.

    Like showing those born before WW1 why Jesus chose Rutherford & CO in 1919.

    Good luck with that one Dubbies, if " Noo System" or any of it were true.

  • palmtree67

    "Although we have been promising you delicious ice cream for a very long time, and it hasn't appeared yet, don't be frustrated or discouraged. Just keep focused on the brussel sprouts you have to eat on a daily basis. Aren't they wonderful??"

  • Leto

    "Koolaide edition"...I love it.

  • aquagirl

    Try not to focus on the tooth coming out,and being pain-free,just enjoy the pain and throbbing of its rotton self everyday.Itll make the extraction,that much sweeter!...heh

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty
    we should be glad that there is still time for us to be zealous for true worship."

    You have to love the way they nuance their BS. Remember when the main reason for joy for the delay of armegedon was so others can come into the 'troof?'

    They dont even pretend they're on any kind of life saving mission any more. They just pound home you got to show major works for your arse to be saved!

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