by recovering 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • recovering

    I am giving an update to my health. I would like to thank everyone for the support you have given me. I have been undergoing treatment for the cancer and so far so good. I made it through the surgery ok. I am undergoing chemo and radiation at present. The treatment makes me feel sicker than the disease but i know i need to perservere. Sorry for taking so long to update my status. i just feel too sick to post often. Thanks again for your well wishes. I love you all. Be kind to one another for who knows what tommorow may bring.

  • Nobleheart

    Hi Recovering!

    I'm still new here and probably haven't been around when you've started posting, but it's really great to read of good news like yours!

    I'm happy the surgery went well. Bear with the treatment, and I wish you feel better soon!

    Take care!

  • NewChapter

    Hi Recovering,

    I'm recovering from cancer also. It's a struggle, but I wish you the best. Take Care!

  • clarity

    Good morning Recovering,

    Glad to hear of your progress. Sometimes when we are so very sick it can feel as if we are all alone. It can be a lonely journey. I hope that you have support from family and can relax and regain your good health.

    It is good to know that JWN is 'open' 24/7, always someone to talk to here. Very best wishes go out to you.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Thanks for the update.

    Sending you positive thoughts and good vibes.

  • clarity

    Oh... and dear NewChapter too, hang in there.

    Take very good care of yourself,

    all the best-


  • Lozhasleft

    Hello ... I'm glad to hear your recovery is going to plan. It takes courage to face this disease so I send you big hugs and some good wishes that you stay strong and continue to improve.

    Loz x

  • thenoblelodge

    Here's to a good recovery, hope you start feeling a bit better soon.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Hi thanks so much for the update. Illness is so stressful and cancer is the worst so glad you let us know. Sending you good thoughts on your recovery.


  • s0rt3d

    Sunshine and best wishes to you both, NewChapter and Recovering.

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