Some of us were just not cut out to be door to door Salesmen

by life is to short 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Interesting thread ! We all certainly suffered abuse at doors when we used to go in field service. I actually did pretty good out in field service. I kind of have a gift of gab and perhaps at times has been one of those people who could convince Eskimos to torch their igloos - and enjoy it ! LOL ! I used to be able to relate to many different people. That being said- field service bored me to tears. I couldn't wait to get to the donut stop or Carls's Jr. for a break time. I hated being with pompous self righteous publishers who would only spend 10 minutes on break because they wanted to get their time started again ! I HAD to take a 20 to 30 minute break minimum. If whoever I was with didn't like it , well- leave with someone else was always MY motto. LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Flipper I like your way of thinking and I always enjoyed working with ones who felt like you do. I hated it when I was put into a car group with the die hards and you knew no break was coming. Man the morning just would drag then you knew you still had to go home and take care of all the stuff most people do who are not JW's like going to the store and washing the car, etc in the mornings so they could spend their time in the afternoon enjoying life but no us JW's were cleaning the house then.

    If you were really lucky sometimes you would get into a car group with someone who wanted to stay out an extra hour, OMG that was peer hell as you had so much stuff to do after service and some of the stories closed at 3:00 or 4:00 and Saturdays was you only day to get what you needed. Oh I hated the stress.

    I truly do not know how I did everything, no wonder I suffered such huge depression.


  • new light
    new light

    It must be even harder now than in the past. At least before the internet took off, we could kind of buy into the idea that it was a worthwhile work, even though televangelists did reach a much larger audience.

    Can you imagine trying to work up the gumption to go out there now, knowing the Society could reach just about anyone in the developed world with internet advertising? I just can't see believing that the D2D is anything but a complete waste of time and resources, and it just becomes more of a joke as technology advances.

    Any JW that really believes the house to house preaching does anything positive for humanity is clearly fooling himself and pissing away his life and money.

  • Reality79


  • james_woods

    The difference is that JWs are not doing this for a living - not even the full time pioneers.

    It is a control mechanism.

    You can go door-to-door as a JW for a lifetime and never make a convert - and you will never hear a word against you so long as you turn in the necessary time and service goals.

    Making converts is not the point for a JW - but making a living is exactly the point for a Fuller Brush salesman.

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