by NewChapter 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    newchapter - "...OH, and the blame on "WOMANKIND..."

    This is an old holdover from "traditional" heirarchal paternalism. Women had to be blamed (at least in some capacity) more than men, because if men were to accept the lion's share of responsibility for sexual assualt down throughout history, it would severely undermine the foundation of heirarchal paternalism's credibility.

    For example, it's one of the reasons the WTS is unable to significantly modify their policy on molestation; the sexual victimization of minors is all but unavoidable in a closed, heirarchal, paternalistic organization; not in spite of that structure, but because of it.

    The requirements of secrecy, absolute submission to authority, and supression of what would otherwise be normal expressions of sexuality fosters an environment where sexual predators can function; therefore, the environment becomes created as a direct result of conservative authoritatian organizational policies.

    How many people have heard about child abuse or rape scandals coming out of liberal churches? A strong argument could be made that the democratic transparency and checks-and-balances inherent in liberal churches prevent it from happening in the first place.

  • NewChapter

    How many people have heard about child abuse or rape scandals coming out of liberal churches? A strong argument could be made that the democratic transparency and checks-and-balances inherent in liberal churches prevent it from happening in the first place

    This is something to consider. I honestly don't know the answer, and it would be interesting to get the statistics. This article was degrading to women, but it was also degrading to men. It lowered them to nearly animal status.

    Such actresses must also share in the blame for the increase in rapes, for after men have seen them on the screen they frequently go out and
    attack a woman who may be a paragon of virtue.

    Really? Men? Are you that out of control? Are you that mindless? Are you all just a bunch of grenades waiting to go off? LOL The men should have taken offense too. But that is the JW way. They have so little faith in humankind, because the heart is so very treacherous, no one can be trusted.

    The world is not nearly as scary as they think it is, but when something horrific does happen, it's good policy not to blame the vicitm. It's also good policy to treat men like thinking beings and not instinct driven dogs.

    And for any man that would jokingly choose to answer that they are somewhat mindless, lol, there is a big difference between just always being on the make and being violent. I know the difference and I forgive ya.

  • Vidiot

    NewChapter - " was also degrading to men. It lowered them to nearly animal status. Really? Men? Are you that out of control? Are you that mindless? Are you all just a bunch of grenades waiting to go off? LOL The men should have taken offense too. But that is the JW way. They have so little faith in humankind, because the heart is so very treacherous, no one can be trusted."

    Of course.

    The idea that human beings are inherently and irrevocably bad (and thusly need to be kept on a short leash for their own damn good) is a fundamental assumption of conservative ideology, religious or secular.

  • noni1974

    New Chapter I'm so glad I showed you this site. You will learn so many new things like this that your head will spin if it already isn't.

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