For the first time...

by MrFreeze 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MrFreeze

    I guess I got my first experience of shunning last night. Keep in mind, I'm not even DF or DA (yet). I walked into WalMart and happened to see a couple JW's walking towards the exit. So I walked up to them and said "Hey, how's it going?" And they just walked past. I know they saw me and heard me. I'm not even DF or DA so I don't even understand why they would shun me.

    So that was my first experience with shunning. Let it be known that while I was a dub, if I saw a DF person I wouldn't ignore them. I'd at least say hi back. I never agreed with shunning.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I was also shunned before i DA. I don't understand why they think shunning would make you come back? Oh they won't talk to me let me go back because they are such good real friends... duuu

  • laverite

    But you are inactive for the most part, right? Good JWs shun inactive ones. Bad association, and all. What's especially funny is when a "spiritually weak" irregular JW shuns someone who is inactive (with only a few weeks or a couple of months between the irregular one and inactive one) with righteous indignation. You know, bad association and all.

    I'm sorry MrFreeze. They are idiots. It's a friggin' cult.

  • cameo-d

    They do not meet your eyes because they cannot see you.

    They do not answer back because they cannot hear you.

    You are DEAD to them.

  • DaCheech
  • MrFreeze

    I haven't been to a meeting since October. I haven't been out in service since August (they don't know that, I lied on the time slip). And i'm sure they all know why I left. Not only inactive but I've given into apostate teachings! I'm double trouble I guess.

  • Finally-Free

    I wonder if they still maintain that love is an identifying characteristic of God's people. Or is that 'old light'?


  • MrFreeze

    Yeah, must be old light. No need for love in this organization! It holds no place in Jehovah's people!

  • leavingwt
    I'm not even DF or DA so I don't even understand why they would shun me.

    Many folks here are shunned, even though they've never been DF'd or DA'd.

    Active JWs must protect their "status". This includes preventing themselves from being seen associating "weak" or "rebellious" ones.

  • nugget

    It just means you have less to lose. They have done their worst and it is childish. Be glad you didn't behave this way how embarrassed you would be now.

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